Chapter 3

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We were all seated in the living room, getting ready to start. Ed and Lorraine were seated on the arm chairs next to David and my mom who were on the couch. Debbie and Arne were on the couch too seated next to them. My dad and I were in chairs as well on the other side of the coffee table across from the couch.

"A warning before we start, it will get scary and wild here. Things will start shaking, the lights will flicker, some things may even start falling or flinging across the room." Ed said, bringing his bible out.

"And David, you may start feeling weird, maybe even worse than what your feeling right now. You'll start sweating, and may feel very nauseous and sick. But don't worry. That means whatever we're doing is working." Lorraine said, giving David a comforting look.

David just nodded, snuggling closer to my mom.

"Is there any chance, something could go wrong?" I asked suddenly, wringing my fingers together nervously.

"Not on our watch." Lorraine said, making me nod.

"Let's begin." Ed said.

He started reading out of the bible, and I noticed Lorraine mumbling the same as well while clutching her rosary.

Suddenly the lights started flickering and the coffee table started to shake. Debbie held onto Arne, him wrapping his arm around her protectively.

David started yelling, kicking, and screaming. He was sweating profoundly and the shaking starting getting worse.

The chandelier started shaking and swinging a lot until it broke from the chain and shattered to the ground making us all flinch.

The vase on the coffee table fell to the ground shattering, the picture frames kept falling to the ground, shattering, one after the other.

Ed kept on reading, starting to yelling over all the ruckus. I don't know how they both managed to stay so calm and collected during all of this.

I felt like I could throw up any minute. My heart felt like it was beating out of its chest. My hands were sweating profoundly, and my mouth was so dry.

But then it all stopped. David stopped screaming. The shaking stopped. Nothing was flung around the room anymore. I looked around and the house looked like a wreck. It looked like a group of criminals ransacked the house and their main mission was to just destroy everything instead of taking stuff.

Ed kept on reading while David looked like he could pass out from exhaustion any minute. Ed finally finally closed the bible, taking his glasses off.

"Let's take a break shall we?" He asked, looking at all of us. We all nodded before standing up.

"I can take him mom." I said, making my way to David.

"Hey it's fine Eden. I'll take him, don't worry about it."Arne said, putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

I briefly glanced at his hand before looking up at him. He looked like the only person beside Ed and Lorraine that looks remotely calm.

"Okay. Yeah." I said, side stepping him so he can take David. He picked him up and headed up the stairs.

My parents and Debbie guided Ed and Lorraine into the kitchen for tea, while I stayed in the living room. I sat back in the chair I was previously in, taking a deep breath.

I closed my eyes, breathing in and out slowly to slow down my rapid heartbeat. I repeated this, the outside world, everything surrounding me, the events that just occurred not even 10 minutes ago, slowly fading from my mind.

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