Chapter 9

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After I had left the kennels to go find Arne I was immediately met with his bloody footprints outside. Following it, I only got about 5 steps in until they disappeared.

Groaning, I ran to my car and sped down the street. I knew he couldn't have gone far. I was just afraid that a car would pass by him on the street while he's covered in blood and they would call the cops on him.

Anxiously tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, I kept glancing at my surroundings trying to find a person that looked like Arne walking along the street.

Right when I thought that I wasn't going to find him, the universe granted me a miracle. On the side of the road was none other than Arne walking like he was in a daze.

I could see him dragging his feet on ground while he was holding his hands out  like he was carrying something.

Quickly pulling over and getting out I ran towards him.

"Arne! Arne! Just stop okay?!" He yelled after him.

He kept on slowly walking along the street, like he didn't even hear me.

"Arne please! Just stop!" I yelled, still running.

He finally slowed down and he started to slowly turn around, making me stop in my tracks a few feet away from him.

Once he was fully tuned around, I didn't miss the way the veins all over his face quickly disappear and how his eyes faded from a glossy white to his normal green.

"Arne?" I asked, cautiously while I slowly took steps toward him.

He blinked rapidly before looking around him and then at all the blood over his hands. He finally looked up at me and I could see some sort of relief wash over him.

"E-Eden?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah. It's me Arne. It's me." I said, still cautiously stepping towards him.

"I-I think I hurt someone." He said, his voice cracking.

"Yeah you did but that wasn't you Arne, okay?" I said, finally standing in front of him.

"How do you know it wasn't me?! It felt like it me!" He said, stepping away from me like he was afraid he'd hurt me too.

"Arne listen to me." I said, stepping towards him again.

He hesitantly looked at me.

"I want you to be completely honest with me when I ask you this okay?" I asked, making him nod.

"Did you tell the demon in David to take you?" I asked, dreading his answer.

Arne immediately looked down. It felt like a hundred years for him to answer when it was only a few seconds. But those few seconds were the worst few seconds I've ever experienced.

"Y-yes. B-but does it even matter?" He asked.

"Yes it does Arne! You just murdered somebody!" I snapped, but immediately closed my eyes regretting what I said.

"So you do believe I murdered him. You think I'm a murderer?" He asked, the tears falling from his eyes.

"N-no! I-I didn't mean it like that! I just meant that it does matter because by you telling the demon in David to take you it made you do this!" I said, gesturing to the blood all over him.

He looked down at the blood all over him. I could see the way more tears fell when he looked at it.

"But Arne look at me." I said, but he still avoided eye contact.

In the Darkness  || Arne JohnsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat