Chapter 5

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The blaring of my alarm woke me up from my sleep. After the events of last night I'm surprised that I was able to even fall asleep at all.

After the ambulance came to take Ed and Lorraine to the hospital, and the nurses helped clean my dads wound ——  everyone was left just standing there not knowing what to do.

My parents had immediately taken David upstairs and ran him a bath. I was going to comfort Arne again but Debbie had beat me to it, but it's not like Arne even cared I was the first person to comfort him in the first place.

The rest of the night I had volunteered to stay with David in his room just to be there for him. Arne and Debbie left to go home not too long after David and I went up to his room.

I groaned, looking at the clock —— 8:30 am.
Getting out of bed, I went to my window, opening the curtains letting the sunlight shine through.

I made my way out of my room, and headed towards David's room. I gave a soft knock before opening it. I walked over to see him peacefully sleeping, the most peaceful I think I've seen him in a while.

"Hey David." I whispered, shaking him a little. He stirred before slowly opening his eyes. His face gaining some more light into and the bags under his eyes slowly fading.

"Hey E." He mumbled, snuggling into his comforter.

"I'm just checking up on you. I gotta go to work but I'll be back in about an hour for our weekend brunch with the family okay?" I said, moving his hair away from his face.

"Okay." He said, already falling back asleep. Laughing a little, I left his room, closing the door. I made my way towards my bathroom, brushing my teeth and then taking shower.

After taking my shower, I got dressed and then blow dried my hair. Grabbing my purse and keys, I made my way downstairs.

My mom and dad were in the kitchen, fixing breakfast and also prepping for our brunch later on. Noticing my appearance, they both greeted me.

"Morning honey, how'd you sleep?" My mom asked, sliding me a bowl of cereal and orange juice.

"Surprisingly very good. What about you guys?" I asked, eating a spoonful of cereal.

"I think the best we could get. When the ambulance came and fixed my wound they gave me some medication for the pain. Knocked me right out." Dad said, cutting some vegetables.

"What about you mom?" I asked, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Wasn't one of my best sleeps but I got through it sweetie." She said, making me nod my head in understanding.

"Well I'm off to work. I'll see you guys in about an hour. I already checked on David and he's doing fine, just tired." I said, putting my bowl and glass in the sink.

"Okay, we'll see you soon, enjoy work." My mom said, giving me a quick hug. I gave my dad a quick hug too, him kissing the top of my head before I headed out to my car.

The windows were down and the radio was blaring rock music. I tapped my fingers along the steering wheel, heading to work.

Debbie and I work at the same place. The Brookfield Boarding Kennels. I was actually the first one to get to get job, since I want to go to college to be a vet.

I've been working for Bruno for about a year now. My love for animals honestly makes me love my job a lot.

After Debbie got out of college and started dating Arne they both were going through rough times. None of them could keep a steady job and they barely had any money.

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