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When you've lived in a small town like Fairfield, Connecticut your whole life, you've grown accustomed to nothing ever happening.

Yeah the weather is sometimes nice, and we're known for having good colleges, but when you're a 18 year old girl, whose in her senior year of high school, that's the most fun you will probably get.

But I cant complain, I mean I have a loving family, parents who support me on wanting to finally get out of Fairfield when I go to college. But, there's one person whose holding me back, and he doesn't even know and shouldn't even be when he's dating somebody else. Let alone my older sister.

Arne Johnson.

When my older sister, Debbie came home telling us she was dating someone, I thought it was just another one of her short time boyfriends. She's never been good at keeping a boyfriend for a long amount a time, I mean I think the longest she's dated someone was a month, two at the most.

So, you can imagine my surprise when she actually brought him over for dinner one night. She's never brought a boyfriend over for dinner just a few days into their relationship.

Right of the back, everyone in the family loved Arne. He was charming, sweet, a gentlemen, and funny. David instantly took a liking to him since he's always wanted an older brother, and David doesn't open up to people right when he meets them.

My parents surprisingly,  instantly loved him too. Maybe it was finally because Debbie brought home a guy who actually has manners.

But me? I knew from the second I saw him, I was in deep shit. Now no, I wasn't going to do anything to ruin their relationship, but I found it hard to deny that the moment I saw him, I felt some sort of attraction. At first at thought it was mere sexual attraction or maybe it was the fact that a guy who was actually handsome was in the same room as me.

As time went on, my attraction for him grew more and more. At the time I wouldn't verbally or even mentally admit that I had a crush on him. That was until Arne became my knight and shining armor one night.

I was coming home from the library after working on a project at the end of the school year when I felt like something was off. Ignoring it, I kept on walking, the only light being the moon shining down. Then I heard hurried footsteps behind me. Usually I would turn around to see what it was but at the moment I knew whatever was behind me, was not good.

I hurried my footsteps, but then I felt a rough hand grab my arms turning me around. Behind me were the douchebags of my school, the star football players. Unless your a cheerleader, and popular you know to just steer clear of them.

I knew what they wanted, and I of course wasn't going to give it to them. I tried to run but one of them stuck their foot out tripping me, sending all my papers and books on the sidewalk and road.

With how late it was, and living in Fairfield none the less, it would be a very low chance that you'd see headlights appearing on the street. So, I was alone, on the ground, at night, with 4 star football players surrounding me, about to do god knows what.

They started touching me, not in those places thankfully, and tried taking off my sweater. Right when I thought things were going to go worse, a blessing happened.

Headlights appeared on the road.

I thought the car was going to keep on going, thinking that we were just a group of teens having fun. But, that was until the closer the car got, the more familiar it became.

The car came to a stop, and out stepped Arne. His face was a mixture of concern, anger, relief, and something else I couldn't quite read.

He started yelling at the guys to let me go and go home but they just laughed. I mean I really couldn't blame them, Arne against the 4 biggest star football players at the school? I'd be surprise if he'd make it out alive.

When Arne had saw that they weren't going anywhere, he pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket, flipping it open.

That was enough to have the 4 football players running in the opposite direction, looking like they're about to piss their pants.

He had instantly came to my side, helping me up and picking up all my belongings. He had said he was with my family, waiting at my house to pick up Debbie, but then he realized I wasn't there. He immediately felt something was off, but my family told him it was okay, and that some nights I come home later than others.

When it finally hit 10, he told me he knew something was off and he decided to look for me. Thank god he did.

The whole ride he was spitting out apologies about how he should've started looking for me sooner, or that he should've just picked me up.

I told him it was okay, and that nobody could've known something like this would happen, especially when this isn't the first time I walked home alone, late at night.

When he finally dropped me off at home, I thought he was going to just leave, and go pick up Debbie, since at the time she worked at a diner, where she didn't get off till 12.

But instead, he stayed with me all night, comforting me until he had to pick up Debbie. He put on a movie, and we ate snacks together, and he even brought out a board game.

He made sure to take my mind off of the previous events earlier that night, and he had succeeded. At that moment, I knew I officially had a crush on Arne Johnson.

**Author's Note**

So I wanted to do a prologue just to go ahead and give an insight on Eden and how she feels for Arne. Also how her feelings started.

The next chapter and the ones following will start following the movie plot and so on.

I hope you liked the first chapter. Let me know what you think!

Also leave stuff in the comments on things you may want to see in the story and how you felt on the first chapter!

Again, I don't know if I want to pursue this book, especially if people don't like it and aren't giving back good feedback!

But if you guys like it so far let me know, so that I can decide if I want to pursue it!


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