ten: dear old friend

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His foot stepped in front of her, causing her to stop, "Inari, why are you thinking too hard about this? She is fine." He put his hands on her shoulders and shook her, Inari fixed her ponytail, "I'm going to go ask Akira if she knows where she went." She went back inside, Kiyoko stopped walking and scoffed, he opened his mouth and then closed it again.

As she walked through the long hallway, she looked at the many portraits of the Founding Families before her, her eyes studied the faces of the great-aunts and uncles who she never met. Inari stopped at the biggest painting of the Founding Mother, Amaterasu.

Her head tilted as she stared at her bright red eyes and her dark purple hair that was up in a ponytail, similar to Inari's ponytail. She wore a very elegant kimono that was dark red with gold and purple flower designs etched on her sleeves. The painting represented her heroic actions, her chin was up and she was sitting down with her fancy little katana in her hand. Inari realized how similar her mother looks like to Mother Amaterasu, her eyes squinted as she wondered if Amaterasu acted like her.

Inari made a small 'hm' noise before she continued walking through the hallway, at a fast pace. Her fingers picked at the torn skin next to her nails.


The voice made her freeze, she stopped and put her hands behind her back. Hanami looked at her, "How are you?" She asked, smiling sweetly. A small sweat rolled down her face, "Good afternoon, mother." She said in a small voice. Hanami bent down and caressed Inari's cheek. Inari flinched at her touch and bit the inside of her mouth.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hanami tilted her head, Inari's eyes trailed off, "What do you mean?" She looked back at her an expressionless face, Hanami grabbed Inari's wrist and squeezed it, "You should let your hair down, the ponytail makes you look stupid."

Inari looked down, "Okay." She quickly tried to leave but Hanami didn't let go, Inari turned around, Hanami looked at her with a small smile, there was a small moment of quietness, before she talked, "Akira is preparing our dinner, make sure you clean up."

"O-Okay." Hanami let go and Inari didn't think twice before walking away, speeding up a little bit.

Hanami said that Akira was making dinner so Inari assumed she was in the kitchen, Inari opened the door and saw Akira chopping onions with a stoic face yet her eyes were glossy.

Her brown eyes shifted to the young girl, setting the knife on the chop board and greeting her with a bow, "Lady Inari! I'm still making dinner." She exclaimed, a bit surprised, Inari glanced at the boiling pot of water, Akira set the stove all the way on high and she didn't even notice the pot was basically hopping up and down.

Before the pot tipped over, Akira blinked and Inari was already holding the pot handle and turned the stove down. "Oh no. Let me!" Akira took the pot away from Inari and turned off the stove before she set it back down, "Have you seen Akane today?" Inari asked, observing the fine china plates on the counter top. Akria shook her head, "I'm not sure. Maybe she just went out today."

Inari looked at her, "She has never just went anywhere without letting anyone know. I have lessons with her today." She pulled her ponytail to her shoulder and combed it with her fingers.

Akira sighed, "Lady Inari, Akane is perfectly fine. I'm sure of it. Now, I have to get back to cooking. If you'll excuse me." She smiled softly and bowed again, Inari took a deep breath and nodded, "Alright." She mumbled under her breath and walked out of the room.

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