42 | Acceptance | Jack

Start from the beginning

David and Racetrack.

"Hey, what's new 'round here...?" Race starts cheerfully but then trails off.

Mush and Kid Blink jump back.

"Am...am I interruptin' something?" Race asks.

Then Race, David, Blink, and Mush turn to see all the other newsies against the wall.

"WHAT THE HECK, GUYS?!" Kid Blink shouts at them all.

"NOT FUNNY!!" Mush agrees.

Jack chuckles. "Ya finally noticed."

There was some other chuckling, and some complaining in the back, like "aw, come on! We was wantin' to see how long they'd go!" and other things like that.

And now Blink and Mush blush profusely.

Race smirks. Jack knew that was coming.

"Well, it's a shame then that I wasn't here, I would have loved to have bet on something like that."

That just makes the couple look even more embarrassed.

Then, out of no where, David just starts laughing. It catches some off guard.

Then, Race joins in.

Then Jack, and more.

Then Blink and Mush exchange glances and burst out laughing too.

Whoever wasn't laughing already is now doubling over.

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. Whoever they is, they is correct.

"Okay, everyone," Jack says, still chuckling. "Now it's really time to get ready."

"How's the headline?" Race asks Jack in line after Jack just got his newspapers.

"Give me more than one second to look at a page, will ya?"

Race rolls his eyes and shoves Jack's shoulder good naturedly.

There really is no telling when the headline will be inexplicable extraordinary or extra ordinary. Or just...be normally moderate. The good thing is, is that no matter if the headline is good or bad, people still like knowing the news, and many bend over with pity for poor orphans who are desperately trying to make a living by selling a penny a pape.

"Where to today?" Jack asks David after he gets his papes.

"Well, we tried Bottle Alley yesterday."

"Wanna do that again, or try the harbor?"

"Either one works for me." Then David stops. "Hey, Jack?"


"Wanna come over for dinner tonight?"

Jack smiles. "Yeah, I'd love that."

David smiles back.

Well, that's one thing decided for the day.

They walk down the street.

And so begins another day of selling newspapers.

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