Chapter one

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A drip of sweat ran down Tommy's sunburnt cheek, causing another groan escape his lips. His arms had started giving up on him after push up ten, yet he was still going at push up number thirty four. The only person that had given up was Tubbo since he wasn't someone who got embarrassed of giving up, but Tommy was. He knew he'd be disappointed in himself if he stopped, so he didn't.

"Come on boys, all the way down!" coach Phil yelled at them. Most coaches in this sport was quite rude and angry, but Phil was more like a father figure for the team. His yells were encouraging and the whole team knew he only wanted the best for them.

"Tommy, you alright?" Tubbo whispered as he knelt down to the blond's height. Him drinking a full bottle of fresh water didn't exactly make it easier for Tommy to focus on his push ups.

"Fuck off". That was all Tommy could get out in between his heavy breathing. Tubbo seemed to take the hint and quickly scurried to Phil's side, giving him a worried expression.

Ten more push ups and it felt like his arms were going to fall off, like quite literally. After a few seconds, Phil realized Tommy would over exhaust himself if they continued so decided to call the so called 'push up battle' off.

"Ok, everyone stop!" he commanded. Everyone fell down on the soft grass, some more exhausted than others.

"Why, what's wrong?" Techno questioned, standing up with only a few drops of sweat on his face. To think that after fifty push ups he would be able to just stand up and act like it was nothing, while the rest of the team was laying on the ground desperately trying to take in oxygen.

"This was a stupid idea, we don't have time for things like this. Let's call it the day". Phil crossed his arms, shaking his head. There were a few sighs of relief, coming from Tommy and Ranboo, while there was one huff, coming from none other than Techno.

"But we didn't decide a winner!" Techno demonstrated, but it was too late because Phil was already packing up.

"You ok there mate?" Wilbur asked a struggling Tommy who was still trying to calm himself down. Nothing other than a slight huff came out of the blond. He was helped up to his feet by Wilbur and Jack. They placed him on the bench before hurrying to pack up their stuff.

"Just, go without me". Tommy managed to make out. The guys turned around, all a bit skeptical about leaving Tommy there.

"You sure? How will you get home?". Ranboo tilted his head as he wiped some sweat off his forehead and put his white and black mask over his mouth.

"I'll just, call my mom, don't worry". Tommy gave them a reassuring smile. Soon enough, they agreed, said their goodbyes and left.

The heating summer air and the lack of water left in his bottle didn't exactly help Tommy with his massive dehydration. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe, his vision getting a bit blurry. That's when a person came to view, a person standing right in front of him actually.

"Here, take this water", the person said, quickly pushing the water into Tommy's hand. Because of Tommy's lack of vision, he couldn't make out the person's details but they seemed pretty short.

"I'm fine, I don't want your stupid water", Tommy grunted as he threw the bottle back at the person. For all he knew, it could be some kind of stuff in that water, and the person in front of him could be a crazy addict.

All of the sudden, water was thrown over him, causing him to gasp and stand up from his seat on the bench. Even though the cold water running down his head felt extremely refreshing, he was still pissed that that short person for throwing it on him.

"What the fuck?" Tommy shrieked earning a voice crack at the end of the sentence. Teenage stuff.

"I said drink some water!" the person kept insisting. Tommy groaned, snatching the water bottle out of the person's hand and chugging all of it. Slowly but surely his vision turned clear and he was back to his real self again. "See, was that so hard?".

He looked at the person in front of him, now finally being able to see them clearly. It was a guy, dark brown hair, brown eyes, probably around five foot nine, and a skinny structure. The guy was wearing a pair of black jeans, a purple ish t-shirt under a black and purple varsity jacket which looked way too big for him.

"Why the hell did you throw water on me?" Tommy continued to yell. He knew the guy probably just wanted to help, but it pissed Tommy off that he threw water on him. Like, what the fuck was that for?

"Because you wouldn't listen to me. You should be thanking me, not yelling at me. Without my magical water, you would probably be dead by now", the guy scoffed, followed by a very obvious eye roll.

"Why would I thank you for soaking me down? And no, without your 'magical water', I'd be handling the situation on my own and not having to talk to you", Tommy sneered.

"People these days. You save their lives and gets insulted for it", the guy mumbled to himself just loud enough for Tommy to hear.

"You little-". Tommy was just about to cuss the guy out before someone coming up behind the guy interrupted him.

"What's going on here?" the new guy said in a rough voice. The guy was way taller than the brunette and also taller than Tommy, which made the situation a bit more frightening. Blond, had freckles spread across his cheeks, green emerald eyes, probably six feet two. What caught Tommy off guard was that the two guys were both wearing matching clothing. Purple and black. But the blond was wearing football gear like Tommy was.

That's when Tommy realized who they were. The feral boys, Sbi's enemy team. The team they had been practicing to play against for the last months. Yet, none of them had actually met the feral boys but had only heard and seen them around. They were really good, another top league team.

"I was just trying to give this idiot some water when he started raging on me!" the smaller boy explained. Tommy and the taller guy made eye contact, both eyes examining each other's gear. It seemed like both had realized who each other were.

"Sbi, right?". The blond guy pointed at Tommy's white and turquoise gear.

"That's right, and you're both feral boys?" Tommy coughed clearing his voice.

A few other people came clear in the background, all wearing the same stuff as those standing by Tommy.

"Yeah", the blond nodded. All three of them turned quiet, Tommy having his focus on the people in the background. There were some guys warming up, two sitting on the ground laughing, and some girls were sitting on the benches.

"I better get going", Tommy spoke out before quickly running away with his bag over his shoulder. He immediately regretted doing so once he walked into the parking lot. Now they would probably all laugh at him, thinking Sbi were easy competition.

Well, if they did think that, Sbi would just show them who they're dealing with once the big match comes. Tommy couldn't wait to wipe those grins off their faces. Losing wasn't an option and it would never be one either. They were winning that match, if it was the last thing they would be doing on earth.

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