The First Step

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Returning home, I was relieved to see that Dana wasn't still there. As much as I loved my sister, and was delighted that she was home, I just needed some space for a little while. I'd done what I needed to, and now it was time to let go.

I threw my car keys into the dish by the door, then crossed the room, stopping before the largest art piece on my wall. Tucking my fingers behind the edges, I pulled it away to reveal the built-in safe behind it. I entered the combination and yanked the heavy door open, grabbing several bundles of cash and an envelope. Swinging the painting back over the locked safe after I was done, I tipped the envelope, my passport falling free and landing in the palm of my hand. I tapped it against my fingers as I thought through what I was about to do.

There had been so much change to my life these last months. So many good things had come from me meeting Jake. I'd grown to appreciate the smaller things in life, I'd realised the value in all human beings, no matter their background or way of life, and the best thing of all... I'd fallen in love with an amazing man. But the last few days had been filled with so much chaos. So much pain, and with those I care about now taken care of. It was time to take care of myself.

Decision made, I went to my room, packed my suitcase, then called for a car to take me to the airport. I lingered on the edge of telling Dana where I was going, but I knew she'd push for me not to go, or worse, insist she came with me. For now, neither was what I needed. I assured myself that I'd text her when I was a safe enough distance away, then made sure to leave through a side entrance so that Rex couldn't begin questioning me and ratting me out to my father.

When I reached the airport, I felt like I was in a daze. The fact that I was leaving began to sink in, making my stomach twist into knots. I was working so hard to convince myself that I was accepting of everything that was going on, but a piece of me inside was drowning, and I had no idea how to stop it.


The woman's voice made me jump. I hadn't realised I was at the front of the queue, my feet having moved me there on autopilot.

"Sorry," I said shyly, hearing the irritable tapping of feet behind me.

She smiled patiently whilst I passed over my passport and ticket information.

"Okay, one way to The Maldives," She read aloud, tapping some keys on her computer. "It's a one-stop flight and is leaving in one hour."

I tuned out as she continued the general protocol for checking me in, eventually excusing me to proceed to the right place where I could catch my flight.

I was just settling into my seat on the plane when my phone chimed in my pocket.

"Please turn that off, Miss, we're getting ready for take-off," A passing hostess said politely, before continuing up the aisle.

I slid my thumb across my screen, seeing Dana's name above a short message:

Where are you, Sis? X

I couldn't help but feel a little saddened that the message wasn't from Jake. Not that he'd have any reason to be texting. Checking that there was no one else watching me, I tapped out a quick reply:

I'm going away for a little while. Need time to get my head straight. I'm fine, just need space. Sorry, we didn't get a chance to catch up, maybe I'll swing by Milan before I go home. Love you. X

Switching my phone off, I stowed it back into my jacket pocket and relaxed into the seat, just in time for the Captain to announce take-off. I tipped my head to the side, gazing out of the window as the plane began to move, rising slowly in the air as the ground below got further and further away, the clouds beginning to swallow us as we sailed through the air, away from New York, and away from all that troubled me.

The long night was catching up to me, and I grew tired the longer that we were flying.

"Can I get you something, Miss?"

"Please," I nodded as the hostess turned off the overhead call light. "A double vodka with ice would be great."

"Of course," She said professionally, disappearing to the back and returning almost immediately with the beverage. "Anything else?"

"Not right now, thank you."

I watched as she moved on, pausing a couple of seats away, whilst I downed a large measure of my chilled vodka, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the bitter burn which hit the back of my throat as I swallowed. I picked up my bag, withdrawing the books I'd bought from the airport whilst waiting for the plane to board. Stacking them beside me, I plucked one at random and began to read, hoping that the flight may seem faster if I was absorbed in the pages of someone else's imaginary life.

Through the passing hours, I'd abandoned each book at various stages, unable to persist past the first romantic scene as memories of me and Jake tormented my mind, bringing tears to my eyes and the painful knowledge of how much I missed him, rising to the surface. I wondered where he was right now. Gillian would have been released a couple of hours ago, she'd have made it to the apartment, and I hoped that Jake would have returned there with her. I played the scenario through my head, imagining how it was going. I hoped that they would like the clothes I picked out with Luis. Especially Tina and Gillian. None of the labels were designer, not that I wouldn't have gone to those lengths, but more that I knew of their discomfort at being handed something of such value. Still, a lot of thought had gone into each item, including having the dress Gill loved in the Hamptons shipped in overnight. After all, they'd need more suitable clothes for her new job, and Tina's new school. I smiled to myself as I imagined the fun Tina would be having trying on her dresses, she loved playing princess, and I'd ensured there were several options that would fit the theme.

Comforted by the imaginary scenes in my head, I slipped into a deep sleep, escaping everything for the following hours, as I awaited my arrival in paradise.

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