The Return

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The following days got better and better as Dana and I lived life to the max. I still had my down moments where getting out of bed was hard work, but my sister stuck with me, and as she pulled me back from the edge each time, I found more reasons to look forward to the future and find enjoyment in the activities that we crammed into each day.

The days passed into weeks, which then spread into months, and still, neither of us made a step to leave the idyllic island. I felt like I could have happily existed in the beautiful villa which had become my home, for the rest of my life. But with life and commitments still existing back in New York, it was becoming harder to delay returning home. Especially now that Celine was making a temporary stop back in town before jet setting off again. I'd made progress in getting past my breakup with Jake in the time that I'd been here, but I still wasn't over him. He still visited me in my dreams, still kissed me on the rooftop as we watched the sunset, and held my hand as we walked through the streets. I still missed him, missed us.

"You ready?" Dana called from the living room as I threw the last of my stuff into my suitcase.

"Yeah," I called, looking around at the bedroom I'd be leaving behind, "I'm ready," I sighed.

The flight back to the states felt shorter than the flight out. And all too soon, I was standing back on the cold, wintery streets of New York. It took me by surprise to see the decorations everywhere, it was hard to imagine that Christmas was fast approaching when living in a tropical climate, where the only interruption from the sizzling sun, was the pouring rain. But now that I was back, I was shocked that I'd lost track of just how close it was now.

"You okay?" Dana asked, stopping beside me.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Just can't believe it's almost Christmas," I admitted. "Guess I forgot all about the time back there."

"Not too late to hop back on a plane and spend it soaking up some more rays in that water," She smirked playfully.

"When Celine's back out of the country, I consider doing just that," I laughed, shivering in the bitter wind.

We saw our town car parked a short distance along the curb, sat behind a bunch of taxis and hire cars which were all here to pick up returning passengers and holidaymakers.

"It's so good to see you," My mother gushed, dragging us both into bone-crushing hugs the moment that we got back home. Rex had sent us directly up to their penthouse when we returned, insisting that our parents wanted to see us immediately.

"It's good to see you too, Mom," We both replied in unison.

Our father was next, his hug briefer than our mother's before he released us and attempted to usher us into some seats.

"Thanks, Dad, but maybe later," I yawned. "Right now, we're both tired. It's a long flight and we just want to shower, get some food and sleep."

"Yeah, maybe we can go for lunch tomorrow instead," Dana suggested, already making a beeline for the door.

We made brief plans to meet in the lobby at noon, before making our escape.

"I swear that bloke has limited time left breathing on this earth," Dana grumbled slamming my apartment door behind us and slumping against it.

I knew right away who she was talking about. Rex. He'd always tested her patience, ever since she first met him. His meddlesome ways and habits of ratting us out to our parents for every little thing had led to her complete dislike of the man.

"I don't think you'd get away with it," I laughed, throwing her a chilled bottle of water as I returned from the kitchen.

"With you as my alibi I'll be in the clear in no time," She replied.

"Who said I'd be your alibi?" I teased.

"After all I've done for you?" Dana gasped, clutching her heart in mock outrage. "What a bitch!"

We flopped onto the couch, both of us kicking our feet up onto the coffee table, exhaling sharply at the comfort of the first proper seat we'd sat in for almost a day. It felt strange being home. Everything was so familiar, yet so alien at the same time. I knew it was my home, my things, but it felt like they no longer belonged to me. Like it was from a different life, a different version of myself.

"I'm gonna take a shower, then head to bed," Dana muttered, stretching as she got to her feet, pausing to grab her suitcase, "You've got messages by the way."

I stared at the answerphone machine, my mind beginning to race. I heard Dana closing the door of the spare room behind her, and got to my feet, lingering over the play button, unsure what I was about to hear.

C'mon Carrie, you're stronger than this. I assured myself.

I took a deep breath and hit the button, almost laughing as a completely innocent message from the manager of my favourite boutique played through the room. I wandered around the room, re-familiarising myself with everything that I'd left behind, half-listening to the random messages on the machine. I picked up my snow globe which I'd gotten on a holiday in Aspen, twirling it upside down and watching the glitter swirling inside. I was about to put it back on the shelf, when a familiar voice rang out, almost making me drop it.

"Hi Charisma, it's Jake. I don't even know where to start right now. I have so many things that I need to tell you, and I don't know how to say them,"

I could hear the strain in his voice as I gravitated toward the machine, my heart warming at the familiar tone of the man I missed so much.

"I treated you awfully the last time I saw you, and I shouldn't have. You didn't deserve it, and I wish I could take it back. Gill told me all that you did for us, even after how I behaved. I tried to call you but I can't get through, and when I came to find you, I was told you'd gone, and that no one knew where. I hope that somehow this reaches you and that you find whatever you're looking for. Maybe one day our paths will cross again. Take care of yourself, Carrie, you deserve the very best in this world. Goodbye."

The machine beeped, signalling the end of the message, followed by the time and date of when it was left. One week after I left.

"You gonna call him back?"

I whirled around, coming face to face with Dana, who was looking at me with a sympathetic expression.

I looked back at the machine as it reached the end of the messages, beeping one last time before falling silent.

"No," I said quietly. "It's been months, maybe it's best just left now."

I swept past Dana, going to the bathroom and locking the door. As I leant back against it, tears pricked my eyes, slowly beginning to roll down my cheeks as I slid to the floor, his words on repeat inside my head, striking me painfully in the heart.

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