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The bright light beamed off of the glass cases, making the encased gems glitter and sparkle around the entire room. The dark wood of the polished cabinets was a vast contrast to the flawless, white marble flooring, giving the jewellery store the perfect style of elegance and class.

The soft clicking of approaching footsteps drew my attention from the item in my hands, and I looked up to see the aged sales assistant who was eagerly eyeing up the various objects which were now laying across the counter under our inspection.

"May I say, that necklace is perfect for you, Miss Isles," He said in a sugary tone, gesturing to the pear cut, emerald and diamond, drop necklace I was holding.

"Thank you," I replied absent-mindedly, tracing the lines of the stones with my finger, debating the purchase which he was clearly angling for.

"He does have a point you know," A chipper voice said from my side.

Abigail, my best friend, stood to my left, twirling a ruby and diamond tennis bracelet on her wrist.

"How would you know? You're not even looking at it." I laughed.

She smirked at me, widening her eyes dramatically, before giggling to herself.

"Because you look gorgeous in everything." She replied simply.

Sweeping my long, dark hair over my shoulder, I clipped the necklace around my neck and turned toward the mirror. Brushing my fingers over the glittering stone I nodded my head.

"I'll take it," I announced, sliding the empty box towards the salesman, who grinned broadly, plucking it off of the polished wood and moving to the cash register, extra pip in his step, no doubt ecstatic at the successful sale of yet another expensive item, and mentally calculating the commission of the sale.

He rang up the various charges whilst I gazed out of the window at the darkened sky. The time had flown by since we'd entered the store. The daylight had gone, and now the only lighting outside came from the glowing orange streetlamps and headlights of passing cars. The other storefronts were dark, this place remained open after hours for our shopping extravaganza. It wasn't unusual, many of the stores were willing to remain open for people like us in this city. It was a perk that myself and Abigail had grown up with. Children of wealthy and powerful people came with perks. At least sometimes.

"What do you think of these?" Abigail called out, spinning around happily, her blonde hair fanning out around her, before she scooped it up into a ponytail with one hand, showing me the matching ruby earrings she was wearing.

"They're gorgeous. But don't you think that you've got enough here?" I laughed, tilting my head towards the growing pile of presentation boxes in front of her.

She looked shocked at even the notion of me suggesting she'd got enough already, her eyebrows rising higher towards her hairline and her bottle-green eyes staring wildly before we both burst out laughing.

"Can I get you anything else, Miss Isles?" The salesman asked, reappearing holding a swanky black and silver gift bag.

"Not this time, thank you," I answered curtly, returning his false smile with a distantly sweetened one of my own. "I'm gonna head home, Abi," I said, gathering together my numerous bags from our day-long shopping expedition. "You coming?"

"Nope, I have a few more things I'd like to buy yet." She grinned, adding a Sapphire ring to the bundle, and reaching round to give me a quick, one-armed hug. "I'll catch up to you tomorrow."

"I hope you're ready for your father to freak out when he sees those charges," I laughed heading for the door, and pulling it open, taking a step out onto the sidewalk.

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