53 - Grammys Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I just stood there looking at him and having a hundred thoughts running through my mind. Suddenly, I could feel frustration blooming inside me as I squeezed tightly to the binder I was holding. Taking a few minutes to calm down and take a couple breaths, I had to remember to be professional after all. I finally made my way towards my station with my head up high.

After getting there, I place the binder down and start to get out everything that I need. I didn't dare to take a look at him while I was doing this, but I could feel his stare burning through the back of my head.

I gave him a headband to put on and after he had it on, I analyzed his face to see the condition of it. He had a few blemishes, but it wasn't something I couldn't fix.
After analyzing, I waste no time and go in and apply primer on his face. Next I went in with foundation, only needing a light coverage since most of his skin was in good condition. I then proceed to cover up his blemishes and his scar on his cheek.

After doing his face, I moved on to his eyes, which was the easy part. There wasn't much to do since it was a very natural looking smokey eye. I was about to move on to his hair when I finished, when I remembered that I needed to apply his lip tint.

I mentally cursed at myself since I totally forgot about this part. As I pick up my brush, I bend down and lift his chin with one of my hands so I can get a better view. Halfway through applying his tint, I realized how close we were. Suddenly my heart started to race, but ache at the same time, something I didn't even know was possible.

I wasn't sure if it was me or not, but I could feel his eyes on me, but I was too scared to check because if I looked at him right now in this position, I knew I would break down.

Quickly, I finish applying his lip tint and start working on his hair. I turned his chair around, so he wasn't looking at me through the mirror and wouldn't notice how hard I was trying not to cry.


As Jungkook was changing into his outfit, I went ahead and picked out his shoes and accessories. While in the middle of doing so, I hear Jungkook call for me. I turned around to see what it was and I found him pointing at his collar, meaning that he needed help fixing it.

I head over to him and then proceed to tell him to bend down a bit to which he obediently obeys.

JK's P.O.V.

So many thoughts and emotions were running through my mind as I saw how close Ally and I were. She was too occupied with fixing my collar, so I took the chance to look at her.

She still looked just as beautiful as always, but a little different. I could see the tiredness in her eyes from hours of training which slightly made me upset. My eyes suddenly caught the sight of her lips. As I looked at them, I couldn't help, but remember all the kisses we shared and how soft and warm they were.

It was taking everything in me to resist, but it was hard, especially being this close to her after months. I could feel my heart start to race and suddenly I was scared that she would hear it.

Scared that she would hear my love for her behind all the lies.

As she stands on her tippy toes, she manages to move a little closer to me. At this point I was biting my lip and squeezing my hand in a fist tightly to try and resist. The more I look at her, the woman that I love, I get lost in the moment and give in.

Suddenly, I take a step towards her, bringing my face even closer to hers.

Ally's P.O.V.

My eyes widened seeing how close we were and I started to panic. I quickly take a step back, but to my dismay, I lose my balance. I was about to fall when I felt Jungkook wrap one of his arms around my waist, stabilizing me and bringing me even closer to him.

I just stared at him and he did the same. At this moment, I was no longer feeling angry or even a small ounce of frustration like I usually would. But rather was I feeling vulnerable and hurt just staring at him.

Tearing my eyes away from his, I push him away from me with all my might, making him take his hand off me. I quickly make my way towards the door and slam it behind me as I try to get as far away as possible from him.



I bought tickets to Muster and let me say that Jungkook was trying to kill me with how good he looked 😭😳

Anyways.... I finally updated after going on a little vacation! I hope y'all enjoyed! Also HAPPY 8 YEARS WITH BTS!! 💜💜💜

- Ash

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