He turned around with an annoyed huff as Jiro giggled and grabbed her own case and left.

Kuuga: "Seriously, I'm gonna die by her hands before I become a pro Hero."

Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero approached Kuuga who was taking out a bottle of his eye drops.

Kirishima: "Oi, you okay? You took a hard hit to the head."

Kuuga: "Hopefully no brain damage. Anyways, I'm fine and I'll get changed."


Iida is seen blowing a whistle.

Iida: "Gather up, class 1-A! Please form two lines according to your number and get on the bus in an orderly fashion!"

Iida blows the whistle once again while raising his hands in a commanding manner.

Sero: "He's taking it seriously, huh."

Kuuga: (shrugs) "I don't mind."


The scene changes to the bus with Kuuga standing beside Kirishima's seat as he uses his quirk to keep him standing.

Tsuyu: (To Izuku) "Your quirk is similar to All Might's."

Izuku: "Is… is that so? I… uhm…"

Kirishima: "Hold on, Tsuyu. All Might doesn't get injured. So it's similar, not identical."

Izuku sighs in relief.

Kirishima: "A simple power-up quirk like this is not bad. You can do so many things!"

Kirishima extends his left arm and it hardens.

Kirishima: "My hardening is indeed strong but it looks ugly."

Izuku: "I think it looks cool. It has many uses for a Pro Hero."

Kirishima: "Pro Hero?! But I think a hero needs something to increase popularity."

Aoyama: "My Naval Laser shines in the appearance and also the damage department."

Ashido: "Not if you have a tummy ache after."

Kirishima: "If you want something strong and flashy, then it's definitely Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kiriu."

Kuuga: (crosses arms) "Mine isn't flashy."

Kirishima: "What do you mean? Those mists can act like an ice pack, a restraining item, and even distorting vision."

Kuuga: "Yeah… right.. but Bakugo is always angry."

Tsuyu: (nods) "So he'll never be popular."

Bakugo rose from his seat, startling Jiro.

Bakugo: "What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!"

Bakugo was about to advance but black mists suddenly appeared around his shoulders, pulling him back to his seat.

Bakugo: "Let me go you damn Mist Boy! I'll kill you!"

Kuuga: (shrugs) "I'm afraid I'll restrain you till we get there."

Kuuga turns to look at Jiro who's feeling uncomfortable.

Kuuga: "I suggest switching seats, you're beside a man who is probably mentally ill."

Jiro: (shrugs) "I'll be fine."

Kaminari: "Everyone just met, and someone already read you like a book. Isn't that something?"

Bakugo then battles with the black mist.

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