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A pained moan filled the room; the vibrations enhancing the ache that was still lingering in her throat. Jasmin inhaled, gratefully holding the precious air in her lungs just because she could, then exhaled a long breath.

Daryl's poncho was bunched up to her chest as she held it tightly, like a child hugging their favourite teddy. It took her warmth and made it its own, making the scent of smoke that much richer.

"Hey honey," a voice spoke.

Her eyes opened slowly, revealing the thankful woman who sat on the stool next to the bed she was back in. Her face was exuberant; so filled with gratitude that Jasmin swore the room had genuinely brightened from her presence.

"Maggie." She smiled, her voice still hoarse from the tube's assault. "Is Glenn okay?"

"He went through a rough patch, but he's getting better now."

Relief flooded her body causing her to relax further into the bed.

"You gave us a bit of a scare last night," Maggie continued. "Thought you weren't going to make it at one point, but I shouldn't have doubted you. You're a fighter."

Jasmin rolled onto her back, wrapping her arms over the poncho and around her torso. She stared at the grey ceiling above. "Yeah, well, fighting is starting to become pretty tedious. I don't know how much longer I can keep it up."

"I know it's hard, but we all need you to keep going. I need you to. So does my dad, Glenn, Rick..." She paused briefly. "Daryl."

Maggie gave Jasmin a suggestive look as her eyes flickered over her face, waiting for her reaction.

It took her a few seconds before she realised what Maggie was hinting at. "Wha- no." She shook her head aggressively. "Just no."

Maggie raised her hands level with her shoulders and laughed softly. "I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, but your face did and I'm telling you it's not like that."

"You know what I've noticed? You fiddle with your sleeves when you lie."

Jasmin's hands stopped moving, letting go of the fabric she was pulling at. "Alright, fine. It can't be like that with him."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm me. I'm a problem and I don't want to make him feel like he has to solve me. All of us have already got enough problems to deal with and my little feelings will just be a distraction. Besides, I don't even know if he thinks of me that way."

"Nothing in life comes without its challenges, hon, it's how you deal with them that matters. And, you will never know for sure if you don't tell him how you feel." A smirk tugged at the corners of Maggie's lips. "So, go tell him."

Jasmin pushed herself up into a sitting position. "He's back?"

"Has been since last night. He came to check on you like a dozen times. Refused to leave your side at one point, but my dad forced him to go get at least two hours of sleep. He came back an hour later."

Jasmin swung her legs over the bed, planting her feet on the cold ground. The haziness from the medicine that was still in her system caused the room to swirl around her, but she was determined to push through it.

"Woah slow down." Maggie stood up, pushing her gently back against the bed. "Give yourself time to recover. You've got plenty of time to talk to him."

"Maggie, I thought I was going to die in this cell. I am not staying here any longer than I have to," Jasmin said, bending over to pull on her shoes which had been placed neatly next to the bed. "Besides, the only way I'll ever have enough confidence to tell him is if I'm drugged up."

AND THEN I FOUND YOU » Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now