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To be re-written

Screams and pleas for help echoed throughout the prison's concrete walls. Cell Block D, which was once bathing in the peacefulness of an ordinary morning, had now become a place of anarchy and strife.

Jasmin rushed down the stairs, jumping over the last three steps and landing with a thud on the prison floor. Her body still ached from the trials the group had suffered the day before, but she wouldn't let that stop her from helping the people she cared about.

As she reached the corner to turn into Cell Block D, the familiar repugnant odour of decaying flesh filled her nose, an odour that was only a warning of what was about to come.


It was everywhere. Each direction contained some sort of violent, bloody act between the dead and the living. People were running amok all around the room, some with blood sprayed all over their bodies, some now dead.

Somehow, the cellblock had become infested with walkers. Rick had once told her that the prison was secure, so how could they have gotten in without anyone noticing?

Jasmin looked to her left to see a woman struggling to hold back a walker that had bitten a chunk out of her arm, about to take another from her face. Pulling the knife from its holster around her hips, Jasmin drove it through the back of its skull and grabbed the woman beside her.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay, we'll be able to amputate it," she said, frantically, but the woman was in hysterics and clearly wasn't listening to a word she said.

Letting out a huff, Jasmin scanned the room until her eyes landed on Carol, who was pulling people into the cells. She quickly dragged the distraught woman along until they reached her.

"Carol, can you take her?" Jasmin asked.

Carol agreed without hesitation and pulled the woman into the cell. The number of walkers seemed to be never-ending but that wasn't what concerned Jasmin. What concerned her was the fact that every single walker she killed, she knew. None went unrecognized. Had only one walker gotten in and created a chain reaction of people being bitten? She didn't know.

About to ascend the stairs, she felt a tug on the back of her top and lifted her knife, ready to plunge it into another rotting skull. She spun around only to come face to face with Daryl.

"I thought I told ya to stay put!" he spoke angrily.

Just as he finished his sentence, another walker appeared in both their peripheral vision causing them to both instinctively aim and kill. Within a second, both a knife and an arrow had lodged themselves in each of the walker's eye sockets.

Jasmin turned back to Daryl and shrugged her shoulders. "Too late now."

Daryl let out a frustrated breath before grabbing his arrow and her knife and then handing it back to her. "Come on, we gotta check upstairs."

Bodies laid spread across the second floor, their appearance still human, but Jasmin knew what would happen any second. This only made it all the more difficult to go and stab each one in the temple, ending whatever life left they had in them.

"Get down!"

Jasmin's head snapped to the right to see a walker pinning Glenn to the wall, only for an arrow to be shot right through its skull within a blink of an eye. She ran over to Glenn, putting a hand on his shoulder for a moment. "You okay?" she asked.

He nodded, along with a not-so-convincing "Mhm".

Rick pulled open a curtain to the cell the walker had just come out of, revealing a familiar face. A young boy who was probably in his early teens laid on the floor, thick blood coating his face, almost rendering his facial features impossible to make out. The group looked down at the boy with sorrow; he was just a kid.

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