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To be re-written

"Help me! Please!" He screamed over the disturbing sound of his own flesh being devoured.

Jasmin watched in horror as blood squirted out of his jugular, splattering the objects and walkers beside him with a deep crimson red, yet he was still able to let out a nightmare-fuelled scream.

Her blood ran cold as she looked up, knowing there was no time for anyone to save him.


The lush grass in the field had never been greener as the seasons transitioned from autumn to spring. It was no longer a dull greenish brown, but alive, flourishing with color. It seemed like it was the only place that was alive now. The outside world had become a place of the dead.

That's what Jasmin thought, at least.

Needless to say, she still had hope that one day earth would be taken back by the living, no matter how dead it seemed.

Things break, but they can still grow. That's what Hershel had told her and after enough time, she began to believe it too.

"Hey Jasmin, you doing anything right now?" Sasha asked, walking up to the girl as she sat at the meal hut, watching the prison yard in the distance.

"Not particularly, no. Why?"

"We're going on a supply run to the Big Spot today and were short on people. You down?"

"Yeah, I'm down, as long as I don't have to use a gun." She let out a fake chuckle.

Sasha grinned at her humorously. "Nah, I've seen you with your sword. You're pretty decent with it."

"Thanks," Jasmin said sheepishly.

"Come on, we've got some things to haul into the truck."

Crates of supplies and weapons to aid with the run were being put into the back of the Toyota. A young guy who looked to be about seventeen was on top of the truck placing the crates in their correct spots. Jasmin had seen him around before, mostly hanging around with a red-haired girl. They seemed to be in a 'more-than-friendly' relationship.

It was nice to see that love still found a way to be present, even in the state the world was currently in.

She watched as the girl walked over to her boyfriend. The two kissed before exchanging a few words. Jasmin turned away to see Glenn standing by the front of the car.

"Who'd Sasha say was coming on the run again?" she asked.

"She didn't," he replied, leaning on the car. "So far, we've got seven people."


"Uh, Sasha, Tyreese, Zack, Michonne, you, me and-"

"It's like a damn romance novel," Daryl commented from behind her, referring to the young couple.


She closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. It was her fault, really. Daryl went on all the runs. Why would she think he wouldn't come for this one?

She shifted her focus to putting the crates in the cars. God forbid she would get caught up in any business with him at that moment.

A voice came from the fence gate. "Hey. I'd like to start pulling my weight around here."

It was the newcomer who had been picked up just last week. Bob. She had heard he was in the same sort of predicament she was when he was picked up. Left alone on the road to fend for himself. Though he definitely seemed more upbeat than she was, you could never know what lies just beneath the surface.

AND THEN I FOUND YOU » Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now