An Innocent Hangout

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"Sure. Sing and I are done by 5pm, meet you guys later. Is there something you're not telling me?" Kimmon replies shortly with a smirk emoji. I swear he has eyes everywhere!

"You'll see, it's a surprise. But, make it subtle," I tease him and focus back on lunch. Krist and Perth begin an English conversation about their student life in Australia. Damn, I'm jealous.

"I miss surfing," Krist recalls dreamily. "Remember how we used to race to the beach every summer break as a competition? The loser has to treat all of our drinks for the entire break!"

Perth laughs warmly. "Our tall giant always comes last, I wonder how he is so tall when we both run faster than him."

"Godt is just not as athletic as us," Krist defends Godt with a shrug.

Aha! I am right! Perth knows who Godt is. I definitely want to meet Godt and ask him about this Perth guy. Somehow, I don't trust him.

I remember to notify my bodyguard about the plans tonight. It has been a while since the three bodyguards met each other. It will be fun watching them bicker again. One is too moody, one is too stoic, and one is too chill. The combo is unbelievable!

"P'San," Krist breaks my thoughts back to reality. "Are you meeting P'Kimmon later? Perth wants us to have dinner together and show him more of Bangkok."

I curse inwardly and break a smile. "Yup! I think P'Kim will bring Singto though... They will finish their duty at the same time." I rejoice silently as Perth masks another dark expression at the mention of Singto's name.

Krist lets out a nervous giggle. "P-P'Sing is coming for dinner?" I nod, watching Krist squirm in his seat, it's so adorable to look at. I smirk a little, enjoying a tease.

"Mmm... Don't you miss him?" I question innocently, knowing his response. And I was not disappointed.

Krist bites his lip and nods with a red face. "H-he's busy..."

I smirk and turn to Perth. "Isn't he cute when it comes to Singto? I'm so glad they married each other. It's like a match in heaven." I added more burn to the comment.

Perth purses his lips and says nothing. Somehow, my sixth sense is confirming Perth's intentions towards Krist. I need to make sure I don't leave them alone.

We finally finished lunch at three o'clock. The amount of talking was more than the food going into our bodies. The restaurant even offered us dessert as a token of appreciation for Krist dining in, resulting in more customers than usual.

I suggest Perth to ride with us. We decided to hang around Siam mall, bringing Perth to shop and sightsee some local places and food. He seems excited to walk around and try different things.

As time passes, I finally receive a text from P'Kim informing me they are on their way to Siam. I smile widely, anticipating the soon-to-be innocent hangout with Perth. P'Kim's influence on me is catching up.

I pause in my steps and look around for my bodyguard as he appears in front of me. "Khun Sandee krap." He greets politely.

"P'Kim and Singto are arriving soon. Be nice." I warn softly. "Don't start another fight in public."

"Krap." He responds politely. "I'll watch myself."

"Suthapong has his chillness but I'm sure you'll be fine with Thanawat, right? He's just serious." He just nods with a constipated expression that makes me laugh.

"P'San!" Krist shouts excitedly. "Let's play crane games! I want to catch one for Godt!"

I turn to Krist just in time to catch Perth beaming in happiness. They both stand in front of a machine with Krist pressing the up button. Honestly, it was like bringing two sons out for an outing.

"Sawadee krap, Khun Sandee," A formal voice greets me. I do not need to turn around to see who it is. Thanawat. If he's here, it means the brothers have arrived.

"Sawadee kha, Thanawat," I turn around and greet my fiancée's bodyguard. "Krist and Perth are playing the crane machines, can you send a word to Suthapong so they can meet us here? Thank you."

"Krap," Thanawat responds swiftly before typing away on his phone. I send a sign to Phiravich to stand next to Thanawat. He walks up to me and exchanges a nod with his colleague.

"Wadee, Phiravich," Thanawat greets formally.

"Sawadee krap, P'Thanawat," Phiravich replies curtly.

I roll my eyes and keep my observation of Krist and Perth. They are both fuming in impatience to capture the plushy.

"Ai San," P'Kim breaks my concentration as he meets me, Singto and Suthapong reaching us within a couple of steps. He glances at Krist and notices Perth, raising his eyebrows at me.

I shrug and keep silent, wanting Singto to question Krist himself and observe the dramatic introduction. P'Kim seems to read my mind, his gaze fixated on Singto who is watching Krist intensively.

And so, it begins.


Singto's POV
I follow P'Kimmon to the arcade, and a small smile appears. I miss Krist. I can't wait to see him again.

I take note of Suthapong's tensed shoulders and realize his dilemma. I sign and nudge him, our relationship is more like brothers than that of an employer and employee.

"P'Suthapong," I address him as he turns towards me. "Take it easy on Phiravich, will you? We all know he's the youngest among all of you. He will grow in time."

"Krap, I won't stir up trouble as long as he leaves me alone," He responds with a huff.

We both reach P'Sandee. P'Kimmon has already begun a conversation with her. They both suddenly turn silent and glance at the arcade entrance. I follow their stare and find my husband with a foreigner.

Blinking in confusion, I watch Krist exchange a laugh with that guy. His dimple appears and I frown. The annoying feeling of Godt hanging out with Krist resurfaces in my mind. I march up to them and pull Krist by his waist.

"Miss me?" I ask, slipping my hand into his. Krist gasps in shock before giving me a wider smile. I fight my desire not to kiss him right now in front of everyone. He nods happily, clasping his fingers tightly around mine.

Satisfied, I turn to an observing figure and remove my smile. Pulling Krist closer to me, I ask icily.

"Krist, who is this?"



I had a lot of fun writing this chapter~ A LOT OF FUN 😚🤭 Well, the next chapter should be more interesting to read so wait for my update!

I'll post an update on the cast and characters so it's easier for everyone. All three bodyguards have a cast and yes, one of them is extremely easy to guess. The other two are given a random name, so might be harder to guess their cast. But, do let me know your guesses~~~

Please comment & vote!!!

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