5: What.

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(TW- slight transphobia)

Help me? How could she possibly help me "Um...I'm not very comfortable talking about it."

Miranda didn't look mad or sad at all, but you could tell she was annoyed. "But I want to know what makes you think this way.."

Heisenburg stood up "Mother Miranda please, leave him be. There's nothing to it."

Miranda slowly walked closer to you "Oh please, I just need to know more."

Your breathing quickened as she walked towards you. All you felt like doing was curling up in a little ball and crying.

In that moment, Heisenburg stood in front of you. "Leave him alone!"

With all of the yelling and fear that comes from you, you do end up curling up into a ball where you were sitting. Your arm extended from you to keep people distanced away from you. The thing is, everyone stopped once you did so. There was no yelling, no fighting, no noise. Just silence.

You open your eyes and slowly lift up your head. Heisenburg was looking at you with a very surprised expression and no one else could be seen.

That's when you noticed the bluish green field surrounding you both. If you looked close enough you could kinda see through it, but it wasn't easy. "How-...how'd you do that?" Heisenburg asks you.

"I don't know...I wasn't even thinking about it." You begin to uncurl from your ball. Everyone else was just staring at you, it kinda made you uncomfortable but at least they couldn't touch you.

You tried to put it down but it wasn't working "Umm...How do I get rid of it?" You started to panic again. Would this be around you both till the end of time? Would you never get out? How did this even happen in the first place?

Heisenburg put his hands on your shoulders "Hey, breathe buttercup. Breathe. You got this, just calm down a bit."

You do as he says and start to calm your breathing. As you finally calm down the shield slowly disappears. Everyone just stood there, not knowing what do say.

"Let's go" Heisenburg says before holding your hand and dragging you out of the castle. Nobody even tried to stop you. Once you're out of everyone's sight, he talks to you again. "How'd you do that?"

"I-I'm not sure" you stutter, "I was just thinking about how I wanted to be in some bubble where no one could reach me...and it happened. Well, you were still in it but I can trust you."

"Welp, I guess that would make sense. I'm really sorry that had to happen to you buttercup."

You just shrug it off "I'm sure it won't be the last time..." you two stay silent for a few moments "Hey, why do you call me that?"


"Buttercup, why buttercup?"

He just shrugged "Not sure, it just seemed like a cute name I could call you. Calling you by your real name seems to formal."

You laugh a little bit "To formal? All right hEiSeY"

He laughs with you "No no, don't call me that."

"Why not? You called yourself that!"

After some time walking and laughing with each other, you finally make it back to the factory. "Hey, you should take your mind off of what happened earlier." Karl stood and thought "Do you know how to play chess?"

You shook your head "I barely remember anything..."

He nods "...Fair point. Lemme teach ya. It's pretty fun, but I have to warn you, I get very competitive."

You just smile as you open the doors to the factory "You're on."

Why Me? (Heisenberg x transmasc reader)Where stories live. Discover now