3: First Morning

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You didn't mean to fall asleep when you did, but when you woke up from the daylight shining through a window you were surprised to see a blanket. You for sure know that you didn't sleep with a blanket on, so did Heisenburg give it to you?

Speaking of, he probably was still asleep. Maybe you could use this time to explore the factory some. You get off the couch and looked around the room. You really didn't take a good look at it before, but now that you noticed all of the details the room just looked messier. It was cluttered with papers and pieces of metal on top of many tables.

You stand up and search through the tables, you were just curious so what's the harm in that? Once you stand however, the pain from the Cadou starts racing back. It's not as bad as it was yesterday, but it still hurts...a lot.

You shrug it off for the time and just continue being nosy and keep looking through Heisenburg's things.

"Whatcha doin buttercup?" A familiar voice was heard from behind you. You turn around and look up at Heisenburg standing sorta close behind you.

"Well, I-...I just got curious" you nervously say, hoping he wouldn't be mad at you for looking through his things.

"Don't worry about it, there's nothing wrong with just looking. Just don't steal anything k?" You were somehow surprised by how calm he was and continued to look around.

There were lots of different blue prints and such for many different builds. "Have you made all of these?"

"No" he said with a sigh "Not all of them. Half of them maybe. Most are just ideas or works in progress"

You examine the blue prints some more, most of them looked like they were used to be deadly weapons. This kind of freaked you out a little, hoping he wouldn't just eventually kill you. "You planning to kill someone?" You laugh it off like it's a joke.

"Well- yes"

What the fuck

"Can I tell you a secret?" his tone starts to get deeper


"Sure?" You question all of your life decisions, what exactly got you to this point?

"Those are all for Miranda"

Thank god

"She did the same thing to me as she did to you, takes you and experiments on you without you're consent. She put a Cadou in me too, and all of the other Lords...so, I'm planning on grinding her into paste so she can pay for what she's done to us!"

It was strange to hear him talk like this. You haven't seen a lot of the other Lord's, but from what you could see it seemed they all loved Miranda. "Can- can I help?" You say nervously

He just looked at you for a minute "Help? You wanna help?"

"Well...sure. Miranda affected me too, and she seems to have done many other bad things. I'd like to make her pay too."

A slow smile formed on his face "I might have you help with some things, but not at the moment. I know you're still in pain, you can't do anything yet."

"Pffft- whaaaat? No, I'm perfectly fine! I've actually never felt better!" You lied. A sharp pain hit your side again before you held it and hissed quietly "Perfectly fine hehe"

Heisenburg just shook his head and ruffled your hair up some "Yeah, ok" he said sarcastically "I have more work to do, you should lay down and rest for a bit. We have to go back to the castle later." He sighed a little when he said that. Before you were able to say anything, he walked away. Just like that, he went to go do...whatever he does.

You sit back down on the couch and lean back to look at the ceiling. Go back? You have to go back? After all that has happened? Why? I guess it's not your choice to make tho, it's probably Miranda saying you have to go. Whatever she has planned, it's probably gonna suck...

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