Chapter 4

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Jim Pov.

I was fighting Gunmar when I was pinned down on the floor. Gunmar was about to strike me in the head when he was stopped by Dictatious'es shouts

"My lord! They found the boy! They found the Nunez boy!"

"No," I breathed out.

"Take the boy to the nursery!" Gunmar shouted.

Dictatious ran out of the arena and Gunmar stomped on me one last time as he walked away and called to the Gum Gums to take me to my cell. When I got there I tried my hardest to get out but I was stuck for good. I heard a cry and started to freak out thinking about Enrique being hurt or worse.

Jim woke up with a start in Claire's lap in her room, he got really scared when he noticed that Enrique wasn't in his arms then he realized that Claire's dad put him in his room. He sat up and started to nudge.

"Claire, wake up. I got to go," Jim said as he pulled a blanket over her.

"Why?" she said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Well I have to go home and take a shower, then I should probably go see Toby like I was going to yesterday,"

"I'll go wit-,"

"Claire you need to sleep," Jim interrupted

"Please," Claire said with a fake pout.

"Fine. I'll be in Enrique's room while you get ready okay," Jim told her.

Jim Pov.

I walked out of Claire's room and went to Enriques'. I've really grown a bond with him over the past couple of months. I went into his room and saw him asleep. I just watched him for a few minutes just thinking when I heard the door open. Just as I looked over I saw Claire's dad walk in.

"Whatcha thinking?" he asked.

"Just that in less than a month I'll be a dad," I told him.

"Shocking isn't it? I remember thinking that with claire. You'll be a dad though," when he said that it made me smile as I looked back down at Enrique.

"Thanks, that means a lot," I said, not looking up from Enrique.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but, what happened to your dad. Like I said you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he asked me. I thought about it for a minute if I should tell him or not.

"Umm on my fifth birthday my dad got me a bike and said we'd build it together. I came downstairs the next morning and he was gone. I asked my mom where he went and she had no idea, he just kinda disappeared. The bike has always just sat in my garage and rusted, but on my sixteenth birthday Blinky and I built my vespa. He's the closest thing I've got as dad's come really," I told him as a single tear fell down my cheek. I quickly whipped it away, just as I was about to tell him that I was going to check on Claire. He came up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry no kid deserves that," he said as I hugged him back.

"Thanks," I mumbled in his chest.

"Are you ready to go, Jim?" Claire ask

"Yeah I'm ready. Thanks, Mr. Nunez," I said as I started to walk towards Claire.

We left her house and started walking back to my house in a comfortable silence. We were walking hand in hand just taking in the scenery when Steve walked by.

"Sup, Lak- woah what happened to you Nunez?!" Steve said when he saw Claire.

"Nothing happened to her, Steve, go away please," I said.

"Clearly something happened," he said pointing to her stomach and stepping towards her, "What are you? Pregnant?"

I stepped in front of Claire as he got closer to her.

"What does it matter to you? Just leave us alone please leave us alone," I begged.

Claire Pov.

I've never seen Jim this defensive before. I walked up next to him and stood next to him. When I stood next to him he put his arm around me and I snuggled into his side. Ever since I got pregnant I've been more snuggly than normal.

"Steve, go away please. We just want to go home," I begged into Jim's side.

"Well, are you pregnant or not?" he said.

I looked up at Jim as if to ask if I should tell him. When I looked at him he shrugged as if to tell me it was up to me.

"You know what Steve, yes I am. And I'm happy about it and nothing you do could change that," as I said it I felt Jim tighten his arm my shoulder.

"Let's get out of here," Jim whispered into my ear.

We started to walk away ignoring Steve's shouts for us to come back. We walked in a comfortable silence until Jim broke it.

"I think I'm going to get a job," he told me.

"Why? And what about school?" I asked.

"Well we can't live with our parents forever especially when we have her," he said gesturing to my stomach, "and I'll just work after school,"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, and we need somewhere to live and I don't want her to grow up in two homes," he said

"You're the best dad ever Jim, you know that?" I said as I kissed his cheek.

"You'll be the best mom, too. I love you, Claire," he said

"I love you too. Wait, what are you going to do about Troll Hunting?" I asked.

"Well, I defeated Gunmar so we don't have to worry about him so I think we're good." he said.

"Okay. Well, let's head to your house," I said

"Alright," we kept walking to Jim's house. Once we got to his house we went up to Jim's room. I waited in his room on his bed while he went to take a shower. After a minute or two my eyes started to droop as I laid my head on his pillow. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep.

Jim Pov.

After I got out of the shower I put my clothes on and walked to my room.

"Hey Claire, I was think-" I walked into my room to find Claire asleep on my bed.

I leaned against the door frame for a minute just admiring how pretty Claire looks when she's asleep. I walked over to her and sat next to her. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear trying not to wake her. I failed though as she started to move.

"What's going on?" she asked as she laid her head on my lap.

"Shh, it's okay just go back to sleep," I told her.

"What about Toby? You need to see him. He doesn't even know your back," she pointed out.

"We can go there and you can sleep there, Toby will understand," I told her.

"Are you sure?" she asked as she looked up at me.

"Yeah," I said as I stood up, "come on I'll carry you," I told her as she stood up.

"It's okay I can walk," she said.

"No, come on, I'm not letting you walk," I told her.

"Jim, we both know that I'm heavier than I was,"

"Nope. That's 'cause you have a baby in you. That doesn't stop me from carrying you so come on," I told her

"Fine," she said with a defeated sigh.

I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder, and slowly started to fall back asleep. We passed my mom in the living room and I told her that we were going to Toby's house for a couple of hours. I walked us over to Toby's house and knocked one the door.

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