Chapter 6

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The next day.

Third person Pov.

Jim woke up to Claire running out of his room to the bathroom. He followed her into the bathroom and rubbed her back as she threw up.

"It's okay. Let it out," when she was done she leaned against Jim's chest.

"I hate being sick," Claire told him.

"I know I'm sorry it's almost over," Jim said. He got up and helped Claire up and got a cup from the medicine cabinet and filled it up with water.

"Here. To wash your mouth out," he said as he handed her the cup.

"Thanks," she said while drinking the water.

"Your welcome,"

"Do you think our parents will let us live with Toby?" she asked

"I hope so. It would make life a lot easier," I said.

"Yeah. I'm going to head to my house and talk to my parents about it," she told me.

"I'll walk you home,"

We walked all the way to her house then I kissed her and watched her walk in. I went back to my house and saw Walt watching tv in the living room.

"Young atls when did you get back?" she said walking over to me.

"Two days ago. Whatcha watchin?" I asked as we walked over to the couch to watch with him.

"Friends," he told me as we sat.

We watched Friends for an hour or two when I noticed that my mom still wasn't home.

"What time does mom get home?" I asked him.

"At ten, she should be here in about fifteen minutes," he informed me.

"Okay. Hey, could I ask you something?" I asked him.

"Of course,"

"Do you think my mom would let me move in with Claire and Toby at Toby's house?" I asked him.

"Umm I think so because one you're 17, and two you're about to be a dad so that would be easier on the baby. Do you know what you're having? Did Claire tell you?" he asked.

"Yeah we're having a girl," I said.

"Congratulations," he told me, "do you have a name in mind?"

"Thanks. Umm I've always liked Zoey for a first name and Maria as a second name, after Claire," I told him.

"Zoey Maria Lake. That sounds great," he said. It made me smile real big.

"Yeah I've always liked it but I still have to run it by Claire," I said.

"I think she'll like it," just then mom walked in.

Walt got up and gave my mom a hug and kiss. It's kinda weird thinking that he was my principal and teacher and step-dad? But he's a lot better than mine.

"How was work?" Walt asked.

"Good. What did you guys do today?" she asked us.

"I woke up, took Claire home so she could talk to her parents and then I came home and watched tv and talked with Walt," I informed her.

"That sounds fun," she said.

"Yeah. Umm mom I was wondering if it would be okay if I moved in with Toby and Claire at Toby's house?" I asked randomly.

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