Chapter One

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They had just broken the door down when Jim started to jump in the portal.

"Jim, wait no-" Claire said just then Jim jumped through.

He left the whole trollhunter team devastated. With the death of Aaarrrgghh and the loss of Jim in the Darklands they were sad. As Jim started to explore the Darkland oblivious to what he left behind a crying Claire and Toby.

That night Claire and Toby decided to tell Jim's mom about the trolls and the Darklands. She didn't believe them at first, but when they brought Blinky out she started to believe them. There was a lot of screaming on Barbara's side but after a while it subsided. When they told her about Jim going to the Darklands. She was really confused at first, then she understood she was really sad about it but then she felt very bad for her son's friends who had to watch Jim go through.

She decided to tell the school that he had disappeared so they wouldn't get suspicious. That night Claire went home and cried all night long.

Claire Pov.

A month. It's been a month since Jim went to the Darklands. It's been the hardest month of my life. I was so focused on the fact that I missed my monthly. I was sitting in my room freaking out when out of nowhere Toby came into my room.

"Claire what's wrong?" Toby must have noticed that something was wrong.

"Nothing I'm fine," I said

"Claire, I'm your best friend. I know when you're lying so what's wrong?" he said in a stern voice.

"I-I-I might be pregnant," I said in a really low voice.

"You what! Ho-How?! When?!" Toby nearly shouted

"Shhhhh! Be quiet! And the day before Jim left ok! The night of the dance! We thought we were safe," I whisper-shouted.

"Do you know for sure?" he asked

"No, but I missed my you know and I just thought. Toby what am I going to do Jim is in the Darklands I can't do this alone," at this point I started to cry. Toby, seeing the state I was in, came over and gave me a hug and comforted me.

"Hey you're not alone, you have me, Darcy, your parents, Barbara, and Not-Enrique. Plus there is a really high chance that you're not. So, how about I go to the store and get you a test and we can see if you are or not," Toby said while getting up.

I nodded and he left. I was getting so impatient waiting for Toby so when he came back he didn't even get a word out before I took the test and ran to the bathroom. When I waited in my room with Toby I swear it was an hour but it was only three minutes. When the timer went off we stood up really fast and both raced to the test, but I got there first.

Two pink lines.

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