Chapter 8

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One week later

Third person Pov.

Jim, Claire, and Toby were at Claire's house putting her boxes of stuff into Toby's car (It was his grandmas but she said he could drive it). Jim and Claire had a hard time lifting stuff so they were happy Claire's parents said they would help. When they were done they had most of the stuff from the nursery and Stuff from Claires room in the car. After Claire said bye to her parent and promise she would be back soon they went to their house after they got everything from the car up into Toby's old room that was now Claire's and Jim's, Jim and Toby went over to Jim's house and got his stuff ( with the help of Walt and Barbara of course). All three of them spend the rest of the day unpacking ( Toby had to move all his stuff to) then just had a lazy day. Jim had just got a job at the local grocery store as a cashier and had the day off.

The next day.

Jim was at work on his break when he got a call from his mom?

"Hello?" he said as he answered.

"Jim, you need to get to the hospital now," Barbara said urgently.

"Mom, what's wrong? What's happening?" he asked, freaking out.

"Claire's gone into labor," his mom told him.

"I'll be there in five minutes," he said, running to his boss's office to tell her he had to leave and ran to his vespa to go to the hospital.

He got to the hospital and ran to the room his mom told him to go to. He got to Claire's room and saw her crying and holding her stomach. He quickly ran to her side.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm right here," he said, holding her hand and hugging her.

"It hurts so bad," she cried into his chest.

"I know. I know, but you're doing so good," he comforted her.

This went on for three more hours until Claire was dilated enough to push.

"Okay on your next contraction I need you to push, can you do that for me?" the doctor asked. Claire only nodded, and pushed. After pushing for a half hour and Jim thinking Claire broke his other hand there was a loud cry.

"Do you want to cut the cord?" the doctor asked Jim. Jim nodded and cut the cord. After he cut the cord they gave her to a tear-stained Claire after they cleaned her up who held her close to her chest.

"Hey babes it's okay. No need to cry," Claire said softly as kissed the top of her head. She opened her eyes and they were a bright electric blue just like Jim's and she had dark brown hair just like Claires, " she has your eyes," Claire told Jim.

Jim looked at his daughter with pure fondness in his eyes.

"I love you Claire," Jim told Claire as he bent down and kissed her lips.

"I love you too," she said as he pulled away. "Here," Claire said as she lifted Zoey for Jim to hold her; he carefully took her from Claire's hands. Claire watched as Jim's smile grew if it even could and Zoey snuggled into his chest.

"We should get our parents and Tobes and Darc," Claire said, snapping Jim out of his trance.

"I'll go get them," Jim said, handing Zoey to Claire to go get their parents and friends.

Toby's Pov.

We were all waiting for any news on Claire and Jim. Soon Jim walked out with a massive smile on his face. When he came over everyone started asking questions

"Is everything okay?"

"Is the baby okay?"

"Is Claire okay?"

"The baby's fine so is Claire," Jim said claiming everyone's nerves, "You guys can come see her if you would like,"

We all followed Jim back to Claire's room. When we went in there was the cutest little baby in Claire's arms fast asleep. We all sat around Claire as we passed Zoey around.

Jim's Pov.

We were all passing Zoey around Walt and Claire's dad were giving each other a weird look. I was about to say something but I didn't get the chance. Walt suddenly gave me a small wrapped box and said, "Open it. It's from all of us," me and Claire looked at each other, then I slowly opened the box. Inside was a set of car keys, "Are you serious?" I asked them.

"Yes, we figured that if you have a baby it might not be the safest thing to ride around on your vespa. So we all pitched in and got you one," Mr. Nunez said.

I went and hugged my mom, Walt, Mr and Mrs. Nunez. Today goes down as one of the best days of my life.

June 10th, 2020

Two weeks later.

Third person Pov.

Jim, Claire, and Toby were watching TV in the living room when they heard a cry from the baby monitor telling them that Zoey was up from her nap. Claire was about to get up but Jim was too fast he got up and went upstairs. A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door, "I'll get it," Claire said, as she went to open the door.

When Claire opened the door there was a man who was about six foot three, he had brown hair and blue eyes, "Is James here?" he asked.

"Jim! Could you come here for a moment!?" Claire yelled not taking her eyes off of the guy.

"Claire what's going-," he said as he saw the man, "dad?" 

Out of the DarklandsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora