Chapter 10

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I went back upstairs to our room and laid Zoey in her crib. I went to mine and Claire's closet to change so I was in more comfortable clothes. I grabbed my shirt and saw a small box on the floor.

I bent down and picked it up, sitting on the floor with it on my lap. I opened the box and saw pictures. Pictures of me and Claire, pictures of just me, pictures of just Claire, pictures of me, Toby, and Claire, ones of our family's, finally there were ultrasound pictures of Zoey. I sat and went through the photos for a few more minutes when a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw Claire looking down at me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," I apologized.

"It's okay I've been up for a while, I woke up when you got up," she said

"Oh I thought you were still asleep," I said quietly hoping she didn't hear me sing to Zoey.

"You have a great voice. Where did you hear that song," she said, causing me to blush.

"Thanks. Umm I heard it on the radio a few days ago on the way to work," I told her. Looking back down at the pictures, "we should frame a few of these,"

"Okay I'll do it some time tomorrow, but right now let's go to 'cause you have work tomorrow," she said as she stood up and laid down.

I went over to my jacket that was hanging up and took out my wallet and put a picture in it. The picture was a picture of me, Claire,Toby, and Zoey on the day that Zoey was born. I put my wallet back and went to lay down with Claire and soon fell asleep with my arms wrapped around Claire's waist.

The next day

I woke up to my alarm going off at 6:30a.m. I quickly turned it off and got dressed for work, then I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle for Zoey and made an omelet for Claire and Toby. I put Toby's omelet on his night stand and went upstairs to give Claire hers.

"Claire. Honey, wake up. I got breakfast," I said as she woke up. I handed her hers and went over to Zoey and woke her up for her bottle. I sat with Zoey at the end of the bed with Zoey as Claire at her breakfast. Ten minutes later it was 7:00 and I had to leave for work to get there on time. I gave Claire a kiss on the cheek and Zoey a kiss on the forehead and took my vespa and left for work.

One month later.

Third person Pov.

Today was the trio's first day back at school seeing as they all woke up at 6:30 with Jim (he changed to afternoon shifts so he could go to school). They all got ready including Zoey and ate breakfast to get ready for school. Once they all got ready they all got into Jim and Claire's car seeing that they had Zoey and left for the Nunez household. They dropped Zoey off then headed to school. They got in the car and drove to school. They all got out and walked out up to the school. When Jim saw the school he stood there just staring after not being there for so long.

Claire noticed that Jim had stopped following them and turned around to see him standing there.

"Hey, it's the same school that you left," she said softly.

He smiled at her and followed her into the school. They were getting weird looks from everyone. The trio knew why they just chose to ignore it not wanting to deal with it right now. They kept walking to class until they were stopped.

"Oh look, it's the school slut," Steve said, stepping in front of them.

"What did you just say?" Jim said, stepping in front of Claire.

"I said she's the school slut," Steve stepped forward.

Jim was about to punch Steve when Claire held him back.

"Jim, if you punch him you're going to get detention and we don't need that," she said. Steve then pushed Claire away from Jim and hit her stomach. She fell to the floor in pain. she also wasn't healed all the way from giving birth. Jim rushed over to Claire's side.

"Claire, are you okay?" Jim said. Claire just moaned in pain.

"Shh it's okay. Toby, go get her pain medicine out of the car. Darci go get Strickler, please," Jim begged as the two ran off. Claire leaned against Jim's chest ignoring the crowd around them. Jim played with her hair knowing she liked it.

"It's okay. It's okay," Jim whispered in her ear.

"Jim! Jim! What happened," Strickler yelled, panting.

"Steve. We were walking to class when Steve walked in front of us and started to call her a slut then I stepped in and he pushed her and she fell and hurt her stomach," Jim explained. Toby came back with Claire's medicine and gave it to Jim who quickly opened it and gave it to Claire with some water.

"Thanks," she said quietly after she took it.

"Steve, come with me," Strickler said, walking away with Steve.

They walked off while Jim helped Claire up. When they got up Claire rushed to hug Jim.

Jim Pov.

Once I helped Claire up she hugged me all of the sudden. I was shocked at first then hugged her back. Soon I felt her body jolt and heard a muffled sob. Then I heard more, I just hugged her tighter. I pulled us into a secluded area.

"Shh, it's okay, don't believe what he said. It's not true," I said, trying to sooth her.

"Wh-why does he-he hate m-me so muc-much," she said through sobs.

I hugged her and rubbed her back. We sat there for about five minutes until Claire started to calm down.

"Are you okay to go to class or do you want me to take you home?" I asked.

"I think I can go to class," she said, whipping her eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," she said

"Okay. I love you," I said looking into her eyes.

"I love you too, let's go to class," she said walking off. I followed her as we headed to her first class. We didn't have the same first period class.

"I'll see you at lunch," I gave her a hug and went to my first class. Algebra. I saw Toby already sitting in his seat. I walked in and sat behind him.

"Hey, how's Claire?" he asked.

"Okay, I think. I asked if she wanted to go home but she said she was fine so we'll see. I hope she's okay," I told him.

"Me too," he said as the bell ran and the class started. Half way through class Walt came in.

"Sorry to interrupt but can I see Jim and Toby?" he asked Mrs. Janeth.

"Of course," me and Toby looked at each other and got up.

"Can you grab your stuff too? You won't be coming back to class," we grabbed our stuff and walked out with him. 

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