Chapter 11

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"What's going on?" Toby asked once we got out of the classroom.

"You guys need to go home. Jim you need to make sure Claire is actually okay,"

"What about the rest of our classes, it's only the first day of school," I said

"What happened to Steve?" Toby asked.

"He got suspended for two weeks. Jim you also have to go see if you can get your cast off," Walt said. Right. That was today.

"Oh I forgot," I mumbled.

"Well let's go get Mrs. Nunez so you can go," we walked to Claire's class who was just as confused as us. We left and dropped Toby off at the entrance to Trollmarket. We then went to Claire's parents house to go get Zoey.

"Jim, Claire aren't you supposed to be in school?" Mr. Nunez asked once he let us in.

"Zoeys upstairs," Mrs. Nunez told me.

"Mr. Strickler let us out early 'cause Jim is getting his cast off," I heard Claire say. I knew it was a lie, but just let it go. I'd ask her about it later.

I walked upstairs into Enrique's room and saw Zoey asleep in her bassinet and Enrique wide awake in his crib.

"Jim!" Enrique shouted.

"Shh. Hey buddy," I said as I picked him up.

Once I picked him up he hugged me.

"Can I go wif you," he asked politely.

"Buddy I have to go the the hospital,"

"Why?" he asked, very concerned.

"So they can take this off," I told him, showing him my blue cast.

"Can I go?" he said, giving me puppy eyes.

"That's up to your mom and Claire to decide," Zoey started to fuss so I set Enrique down and went to pick her. Once she saw me she squealed in excitement.

"Hi, baby, come on let's go see mom," I grabbed Enriques hand so I could help him down the stairs. We got down stairs and Enrique ran to his mom who was on the couch. I went and sat next to Claire.

"Hi baby," Claire said, taking Zoey out of my arms.

"Mom, can I go wif Jim," Enrique asked.

"As long as it's okay with Jim and Claire," she said looking at me.

"It's okay with me," I looked over at Claire who nodded.

"Alright I'll go get his booster seat," Mr. Nunez said.

We went out to the car and got everyone in their seats and buckled in and said goodbye to Claire's parents and left for the hospital. We got there and I got Enrique out while Claire got Zoey out. We walked inside, me holding Enrique, and Claire Holding Zoey. We waited till I was called back. We went back into the room with the doctor who is going to take my case off.

"Alright Jim I'm going to have you put your hand right here," he said, pointing to a table with a saw type thing next to it. I sat Enrique on my right knee so I could hold him with my right hand.

"Alright this is going to be a bit loud but it won't hurt you, okay?" the doctor said.

"Okay," I said looking at Claire, "you cover her ears and I'll cover Enrique's. Okay Enrique, can you cover your ears, it's going to be loud?" I asked as he nodded and covered his ears. The doctor started to cut my cast off as Enrique snuggled into my side. Once it was done he took it off and my hand felt so free.

"Alright can you bend your hand up and down?" I did, "great now push against my hand for me," once I did he went over some other stuff like to still be careful and to call if it starts hurting again. We left and started heading home before Claire stopped me.

"Should we go to Trollmarket? We haven't seen Blinky yet and all they know is that you're out," Claire said.

"Sure if you're up to it," I said.

"Yeah. Plus they haven't seen Zoey yet so that should be interesting," she said with a chuckle. I turned around to see if Enrique was up for it only to find him asleep.

"I think I'm going to cut my hair," I told Claire.

"Why?" she asked.

"It just gets in the way plus I liked it how it was before,"


We arrived at the canal about ten minutes later. When we stopped the car Enrique started to wake up.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"We're going to Trollmarket buddy," Claire said.

We went out and I got Zoey out while Claire got Enrique out. We walked down the canal to the entrance of Trollmarket.

"Okay Enrique what were the rules Claire and I told you," I asked him.

"To stay by you and Claire and to hold one of your hands," he said before Claire put him on my shoulders so she could open the portal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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