Chapter Two

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I broke down then and there. How am I going to do this? What am I going to tell my parents? What about Jim? Jim. That just made me cry harder. Jim always wanted to be a dad. Better than his dad I remember him telling me about his dad. About him leaving.

"Hey Toby, I think I'm going to tell my parents and it's probably best if you're not here when I do so they don't think it's yours," I mentioned thinking my dad would kill him if they thought it was his.

"Ya good idea," he said as he started to stand up I stood up as well and made him a portal to his house, "Also Claire," he said before he jumped in, "I think you're going to be a great mom."

"Thanks T.P." jumped in as the portal closed behind him. "Mom! Dad! Will you come here for a moment!" I called out the door. My anxiety grew as I heard their footsteps coming closer. My mom and dad came in with Not-Enrique wide awake in my dad's arms.

"Claire, have you been crying?" my dad asked as he gave Not-Enrique to my mom as he came over and hugged me. The second he hugged me I just cried harder.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" my dad said as he soothed me.

"Please don't be mad. Please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen." I cried.

"Claire, what happened?" my mom said

"I'm uhh I'm pregnant," I said in a voice so low I'm shocked my dad could hear me. "I didn't mean to dad I promise! I didn't want this to happen," I was waiting for my dad to be screaming the first thing to hear but it wasn't.

"Oh Claire, it's okay, it's okay we're here. You need to tell me this though. Who's the dad? I won't get mad." my dad asked.

I didn't see but my mom was still in the doorway of my room looking confused.

"Jim," I said a tad louder than before.

"Oh, sweetie I'm sorry. When?" he asked once again.

"The day before he left." I said but when I said 'left' he was really confused.

"What do you mean 'left' I thought he disappeared?" he asked, looking really confused.

"No. He's a trollhunter. Dad there's this world under us that he protects and he had to go somewhere to save them and us. This may sound crazy but it's true and you have to believe me. Please" I pleaded and to my surprise he did but not so much my mom.

"How do you believe that and what in the world does that have to do with you! So will one of you explain what is going on?" She asked and I gave my dad a look as if to ask him to explain. Lucky he got the look.

"Claire is pregnant with Jim's baby. He's not here 'cause he is protecting our world and another," my dad said in a surprisingly calm voice.

As he said the first part though I saw Not-Enrique's eyes widen. He started getting squirm in my mom's arms and still being in human form started to lean towards me. I got up and walked over to him and got him and sat down with him on my bed and hugged him.

That's when my mom got mad again, "Javier, how do you believe her? How do you believe any of this? How are you not mad to know that our only daughter is pregnant at 16?!" my mom nearly screamed.

"Becau-," my dad started before I him off

"Look I didn't want this to happen anymore than you did, but at least it is with someone I love and not someone random! I'm glad he's gone because he is protecting our world and theirs! He's a great person and he is going to be an amazing dad! I may be scared to be a mom but I'm going to be the best one I can be! I'm going to remember my kid's birthday! I'm not going to leave my kid to go on business trips every other week! It may be hard especially when I help protect the troll world and ours but I'll do it!" I finished. At this point I had tears falling down my cheeks and my mom had a bewildered look on her face. My dad looks like he's been waiting for me to say it.

"I-I-I that's not true," my mom stuttered.

"It is though you alway leave her home to take care of Enrique. You also do have to look at your calendar to remember," my dad said in a low voice.

"Claire, I'm sorry. I should have never done that. That still doesn't make it okay. I mean you're sixteen. How are you supposed to take care of a baby especially without it's dad?" she mentioned.

"He'll come back, I know he will," I said with a strong voice.

Finally my mom understood something going on in my life. After I explained everything, answered all their questions, and showed them my shadow staff we went to Jim's house and told his mom. She was happy about it, she also understood that I didn't want a ton of people to know.

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