Chapter 5

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"JIM! How?! When?!" he said excitedly as he opened the door.

"Shh," I whispered as I gestured to a sleeping Claire, "I'll explain everything when we get inside," I told him.

Toby let us in and led us to his bedroom where I laid Claire down on his bed and kissed her forehead as she moved a bit to get comfortable. When I stood up I was tackled in a hug from my life long best friend.

"I missed you so much Jimbo," he said to me.

"I missed you too, Tobes," I told him.

"So when did you get back?" he asked me as he sat on his bean bag chair.

I went and sat by Claire's head. She must have felt me sit down because when I sat she moved her head into my lap.

"I got back yesterday. The reason we didn't come over was because we went to Claire's house to take Enrique home but we fell asleep," I told him as I ran my fingers through Claire's hair.

"She's been worried about you. You know?" he noticed Claire barrie her head into my stomach. "She thought that you would never come home and that she was alone," he told me.

"Well, she's not and I'll never leave them alone," I told him as I moved my other hand to her stomach.

"You better not or I'll hunt you down myself," he said in a warning tone.

"I would never," I said chuckling.


We kept talking and Toby was telling me about what I missed in the eight months I was gone for. Apparently while I was gone Toby started dating Darci. Toby told me that Claire had to do online school for the last couple of months because she didn't want the whole school to know and have to deal with it all alone. Which I understood completely. Me and Toby were talking about video games when I got a text from Claire's dad.

Mr. Nunez; Hey Jim is Claire with you?

Jim; Yeah she fell asleep at Toby's house. Do you want me to take her home?

Mr. Nunez; No it's okay she can stay there if it's alright with your mom.

Jim; Okay.

"Who was it?" Toby asked me.

"Claire's dad, he was wondering where Claire was," I told him.

"Oh okay. Are you scared?" Toby asked out of the blue.

"Of what?" I asked him

"Being a dad. I mean you only just figured out no way you're taking this that well," he said.

"Well I guess I haven't had much time to think about it. I am scared though, like I'm going to be a dad in 3 weeks. Plus I don't even have a job and we can't live with our parents forever," when I said that though it made him a little sad, but I just brushed it off.

"You guys could live here with me," he offered.

"What about you nana?" I asked.

"She had a stroke a month ago, so I had to put her in a nursing home," he said sadly.

I got up and walked over and hugged him.

"I'm so so sorry Toby," I told him.

"It's okay I kinda saw it coming," he said.

"Alright I'll talk to Claire about it," I said, pulling away.

"Talk to me about what?" Claire asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, when did you wake up," I asked, walking over to her.

"When you got up," she told me, sitting up.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized.

"I was telling him that you guys should move here since my nana is in the nursing home. Then you guys aren't always going back and forth all the time," Toby explained to her.

"Are you sure," Claire asked.

"Ya and I can move into my nana's old room and you guys can move up here 'cause it's bigger," Toby said.

"Well we still need to ask our parents. Plus Toby a baby's loud so are you sure," Claire asked him again.

"Yes I'm positive, plus it's lonely here and you guys need a place to live." Toby pointed out.

"Fine, but we still have to ask our parents," I said.

We kept hanging out and talking till it got late and me and Claire headed back to my house. My mom was working late at the hospital and Strickler had a school board meeting. Claire was about to leave when I grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Home my parents are probably wondering where I am," she told me.

"Your dad said you could stay here," I informed her.

"He did?" she asked with a confused face.

"Yeah crazy right," I said.

"Not really. Ever since I told him that you were a trollhunter he's been understanding. It's my mom that you have to worry about, I don't know why because she doesn't really pay attention to me so yeah," she told me.

"I'm sure she pays attention to you,"I told her.

"Jim, we both know she doesn't do as much as she should but it's okay all I know is that I'm not going to be like her," She told me.

"You're going to be a good mom, you know that?" I asked her.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too. Let's watch a movie," I said, pulling out my phone.

I opened my arms as she laid down on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held my phone as we watched it.

Claire Pov.

We were about half way through the movie when I felt Jims breath even out. I looked up and noticed he was asleep. I took the phone from his hands and put it on his desk and fell asleep. 

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