My mind floated with questions, and I knew I just needed sleep. I had informed my mother about me staying at Heather's house, but I apparently had forgotten to tell her that my current friend had a girl name and was a girl.

She kept asking me questions for five minutes without a break. When she finally stopped. She told me that she insisted on me bringing her for lunch. She wanted to meet the girl who caught her son's eye.

I rolled my eyes at her remark. It was as if she had a detector because she told me not to. Somehow she knew.

Even when she was several miles away, she knew my body language and my responses. I had discussed with her for twenty minutes how that was a bad idea. But she kept insisting so eventually I gave in. I told her if Heather wanted to we'll be there. I said my goodnights with her and went to the bed I had to share with Marcus for the night.

He had teased me throughout the evening about the call from my mother. I knew that it was the only thing he had on me so he used it. I just shook my shoulders and laughed it off. He would find it boring eventually.

We drifted off to sleep in Heather's guest room. When I opened my eyes I found a chuckling Heather and a goofy Marcus standing next to the bed looking at me with mischief. They shared a tense glance and looked back at me. They were holding a bucket with ice water I assume centimeters from my body. They only had to turn it to make me completely wet. I sent them the type of glare that told them 'don't you dare.' They shared a torn glance before rushing to turn the bucket and run out of the room as quickly as they could manage.

I yelled both of their names as my dry clothes now were soaking wet and cold.

My face twitched as I got up and started to search for the two mental children.

My body was wet and water ran down my torso while the water from my hair dripped on my face. I shook my head making the water droplets splash out here and there.

I decided to take things on my own time. I went to her room to notice it was locked. I knocked on the door in hope of them being foolish enough to open. When I heard footsteps nearing the door. While I could hear Heather shushing at Marcus I assumed. For being loud.

A smile found my face of their childish behavior. I knocked once again and Heather opened the door ajar. Trying to see who was on the opposite side. When she noticed me, she hurried to close the door before I could react.

"Heather! Open up." I said, getting slightly annoyed.

She didn't get to lock the door as I opened with all my force.

They stood there with a little look of regret and fear.

I chuckled at their faces. Here they thought I would attack them for their childish attempt to wake me up.

"Heather, my mother would like you to come over for lunch".

I said it with confidence, but on the inside my stomach was turning. What could that feeling be?

Was I nervous... No way.

She smiled that beautiful smile of hers and told me she would love to. I was too stunned to speak for a bit. She actually wanted to, but why. She could've said no.

The insecurity that had filled my thoughts before vanished in seconds as a happy tingle feeling filled my brain and thoughts.

We had sat down at her dining table eating our breakfast talking with Aubrey and Marcus. The others had gone home earlier as they had something to take care of. What, I didn't know. I didn't even care at the moment. She had said yes to visit my family without hesitating. That had caught my attention.

We sat talking and laughing before Heather and I decided to get moving. We had to be there for lunch. She had changed quickly to be able to make it. We went out the door and to her car. She told me to get into the passenger seat and I didn't have a say. I was just supposed to give out directions.

We had been driving for about ten minutes and I told her to take a right when we arrived at my road. I told her to slow down because we were close.

I faked a navigator's voice saying "your destination is on the right side of the road" she began laughing which made me smile.

She drove past the house and apologized before making a U-turn driving into our driveway.

As she saw my house, her eyes twinkled with admiration.

I buckled up and went to her side, opening the door for her. When she got out, she thanked me with her eyes still at my house. We got to my main door, as she was about to knock, when she realized that it was my house, she blushed embarrassed.

I opened the door as my six siblings came down the stairs curious to see the first girl I've ever brought home. My five brothers and sister stood at the stairs in the entry point glancing at her. Her reaction was pure confusion, which made me confused. Until I saw whom she stared at.


(Edited 09-03-22)

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