Chapter Forty One : Nightmare Before Christmas

Start from the beginning

I half jog up the stairs to get back to the apartment. It does put me on edge being here now but I don't want to let them win by letting them make me feel that way. I ignore the thought and let myself back into the apartment.

"Hey. I'm back." I call out, hoping I'll see Isabelle's head pop out from where ever she is to come and greet me but she doesn't

With a frown, I walk on forwards into the kitchen, stopping in the doorway when I see her sat at the island, rubbing her temples. Her face is red and slightly puffy like she's been crying. 

"Is?" I take a step forwards, concern rippling through me. "What's wrong?" She lets out a shaky breath.

"What's wrong?" She questions my question almost under her breath. "I don't like that I'm putting you in this position."

"Oh not this again." I complain.

"Not this again? Seriously?" She scowls.

"You haven't put me anywhere." I reassure her.

"That's bullshit and you know it." Her sharp words slice through the air. She's worked herself up the point where she's now angry. "If I'd have just gone when I was going to, none of this would've happened."

"Oh so you regret not leaving? That's nice." I return, sarcastically and she finally looks up at me with a glare.

"I just want you to be safe Thomas. Why don't you get that?"

"I do get that. We are being safe. We've got better security, more safety measures and we're leaving earlier to go to Mom's. Hell, I'll even look at getting a new apartment if you're that worried."

"But you shouldn't have to do that and you are because of the situation I've put you in!" She holds her hand up on her chest.

"Isabelle." I use her full name which I never usually do. She closes her mouth before saying anything else. "Just stop it." She huffs, shaking her head to herself.

"You seem to want me to blame you so much and I'm sick of it. It's like you want me to turn around and say it's your fault that you were in an abusive relationship with an absolute piece of shit and he can't get over the fact that you've left and are trying to get your own back. Is that what you want to hear? That it's your fault you were smart enough to save your own life?! Twice?" I add. She sighs and a long silence stirs between us.

"I don't know." Her face crumples back into her hands. I manoeuvre around her side of the island to wrap my arms around her, pulling her into my body. She tangles herself into a tight hug, still sat on the stool.

"My Mom didn't raise a quitter and no one wants you to throw away the happiness you've found." I whisper, propping my head up on top of hers. After a few moments, she angles her face up to me and puckers her lips so I kiss her lightly.

We agree to continue on with our lives as per usual because we want to be strong for each other. Despite saying that, we both lay restless in bed, even after saying goodnight. Neither of us can get some good quality sleep. We're too busy wondering what each and every sound is and whether or not it's someone trying to break in.

My mind is working overtime, so much so it's to the point where my body can't handle it so has to shut down so I can get some peace.



No matter where I go, I feel like I'm being watched. I'm on my way to work for my last shift before we have a small Christmas party because we're shutting the salon down over the holidays. Passing different people by, I'm second guessing every single person that looks at me.

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