Jeremy's scientific mind was at work. "I believe you. What happened exactly?"

"Nothing. Probably a trick, or some hidden microphone."

"So, you did hear someone," Jeremy pressed.

"Can we drop it?"

"Aren't you curious?"


"Not even a little bit."


"Not even a teeny bit."


"We could go check," Jeremy offered. "Just to make sure it's not real."

"Yeah, why not," Robin added. "I'd like to hear this talking mirror."

"Guys, I wish I hadn't said anything. Fine, if it will get you to stop talking about it."

"So exciting," Robin said. "My bet's on it being a ghost who haunts the theatre."

Nicole rolled her eyes. "The theatre's probably closed now. Come on, before I change my mind."

The trio finished their drinks, heading back across the road to the theatre, the stage door now shut. Robin banged on it, waiting for someone to answer. Silence. He banged again, standing back, turning to his companions. "Looks like we're too late."

As they were about to leave the stage door opened, Jake appearing with a wide grin on his face when he spotted Nicole. "You accept the quest."

"I...I've not made up my mind. Just need my friends to see."

Jake's forehead creased. "Usually only one is permitted. Tricky. Your heart is true, there is no doubt. And, your request sincere. If you require two knights to assist you in your quest then it must be so. Proceed."

Robin giggled at the mention of knights. "We're being pranked."

"Shush," Jeremy replied. "Let's just see what's inside."

Nicole turned to Robin. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

"One hundred percent. I so need to see this mirror now."

"Okay, but we leave straight after."

"Oh, sure."

Jake stood to one side gesturing for them to enter. Nicole took the lead, marching ahead towards the last door on the right, stopping outside to gather herself. Knocking there was no reply, trying the doorknob. The room was locked. "Guess we won't know. Let's go."

Turning, about to retrace their steps, they heard a door open along the corridor, the same gentleman who passed Nicole earlier appearing, his eyes locked on hers. "Back so soon to accept your quest."

"No...I. I was just going to show my friends the mirror."

The man's eyes narrowed. "This is not some frivolous game. If you are here, then you have chosen the quest."

Robin stepped forward. "Is this one of those escape room quests? Always fancied doing one of those."

"A what? I've a good mind to turn you into a cat."

"Can we just see the mirror?" Jeremy interrupted. "We heard it talks."

"Talks. Talks. My dear man, it does more than talk. Very well. But, once inside the room you will not leave until your quest is complete."

"Knew it," Robin said, under his breath. "Escape room. Bring it on."

The man pushed past the group, sending Nicole into Robin, who steadied her. Extracting a key from the pocket of his long coat, he inserted it into the door, allowing the three to enter. "As I said, complete the quest and you shall be free to leave. Fail and I will turn you into frogs."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now