The Final Fight - (Scarian Third Life Angst)

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"Scar! I really really don't want to do this..." Grian yelled, but Scar didn't listen. Too busy setting up the ring for the final fight, Grian's words fell on deaf ears. "Scar?"

"Grian, please, I'm trying to get ready!" Scar sighed. 

Once the ring was set, there was no turning back. Do it, or die trying. Not that Grian actually wanted to do it, but Scar did, so...

"Here we go I guess. The final fight." 

Using only bare fists, no armour, no weapons. That was the rules. The ghosts around them screamed, "FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. DO IT OR DIE TRYING."

"Scar, please..." he whispered. "I don't want to do this -"





Grian was a skilled fighter. He'd been in many a battle like this. Scar, however, was used to having his trusty sword (and ✨Jellie✨) by his side, so he wasn't used to the light weight of his fists. He swung his fists aimlessly, hoping they'd hit Grian. They never seemed to hit Grian... But all Grian's hits reached their target. 

Just like George, you could determine Scar's health by the pitch and length of his screams. 

Pitch: Extremely high.

Length: It's still going...

Health: Probably half a heart...


"Scar! Scar! Scar! Stop!!!" Grian pleaded.


"I don't want to hurt you."

Grian curled into a ball, and sobbed. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. They swore that they would never turn against each other. They swore that no matter what, they would kill all others that stood in their way.

But now, it had come to this.

"Grian, I'm on half a heart..."


"Just finish me off."


Scar crouched beside Grian. He held Grian's hands. 

"I'm of no use trying to win. You fought for me. You did everything. You defended me. So you deserve to win."

Grian sobbed harder, but found the will to do it. He punched Scar off the cliff, and Scar's body crumpled to the ground. 

"I'd won... but at what cost?"


Author's Notes

This wasn't a request, and I did an art for it.

This wasn't a request, and I did an art for it

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Yes, I know I drew Grian with a hoodie... I just thought it'd make him look more moody. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope y'all had a wonderful day!!!

Later edit: Also guys, this is the last oneshot for this book, but I'll be making another book for Season Eight!!!

~ Xelqua ~

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