"Why?" - Zedaph Angst

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"Okay, I have a thing. Zedaph angst. Zedaph ends up in a really bad mental place due to the wars, and seeing his friends at odds, and ends up having a panic attack." Suggestion by @thatzflow, very cool idea. 

TW: Swearing, caps, and angst.


Zedaph skipped over to Impulse's Base, where a ZIT Team Meeting would be held. This meeting was important - it determines the future for ZIT. Zed didn't really mind though, just as long as his friends got along, then he was fine.

"Hi guys!" Zed grinned. The other two shot weak smiles back and so the meeting began.

"Guys, what should ZIT be in for next?" Zed asked, his usual talkative self. "Y'know, what's the future for ZIT? Keep? Seperate? I don't really want the second option, but we're a group, so..."

"We should start another war!" Impulse and Tango declared. 

"Wait, what-" he hesitated. Then sh*t broke loose somehow. 

"WE SHOULD BE ON THE SAME SIDE." Tango yelled, wings unfurling. 


Zedaph was confused. The Turf War had just ended, why another war? As much as Zed loved his friends, he also didn't want another war and to disagree with them. His mind flipped upside-down, and started thinking of the negative things that could happen to them in another war. 

1. They could get killed 2. They would forget about him, because Zedaph wouldn't and couldn't participate in any war. 3. ...

Zed cradled his head in his arms and whispered to himself. "Why why why why why why why why why???" He let out a sob, and before he knew it, he was crying. 

Oh f*ck, he thought to himself, not in front of Impy and Tango.

Tango and Impulse stopped in the middle of their rant. They both looked alarmed, and rushed to comfort Zedaph.

"Zedaph, no no no, don't cry, you look like a baby. OW!!!" Impulse remarked which earned himself a slap from Tango. 

"Zed, listen, it's fine, we weren't actually serious about starting a war. Right Impulse?" Tango reassured, glaring at Impulse and mouthing, YOU JUST MADE THINGS WORSE, YOU IDIOT.

"R. I. G. H. T." Impulse replied.

"T-thank you guys. I'll see you tomorrow for another meeting, ya?" Zedaph said, stifling his sniffles and wheezing. 

"It's alright Zed, just take your time."



Author's Notes

Oh Sweet Baby Jellie, I am not qualified for writing. This was trash XD

No, seriously, this was trash. 

Thank you for reading this very terrible piece of garbage, and I'll see y'all in the next Oneshot!

Discord Link in chat > 

Thanks again!

~ Xelqua ~

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