'Cuts Are Serious Tango...' - Team ZIT Angst

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A request by @naufalGames! 

To be frank, I have no idea how to do angst, but oh well!

"Uhh... Team ZIT angst. Someone in Team ZIT got cut and they started a livestream and then someone in the chat said, "What happened to your wrist?" and then they ended the livestream and then two of the Team ZIT saw that and asked them what was wrong and then told them."

Hope you enjoy!

Also, thank you so much. I logged onto this:


The best thing ever, thank you.

~ Xelqua ❤️


"Hello, my name is TangoTek, and welcome to the Team ZIT Livestream! Wooooooo!" Tango announced. This was the first ever Team ZIT Livestream, and he was hyped!

For the occasion, Tango wore a sleeveless shirt, tattered long pants and...

A sweatband on his head.


Don't ask.

Zedaph and Impulse were also dressed for the occasion.

"What should we do first guys?" Zed asked, bouncing up and down like a rabbit.

"Mini golf!" Impulse suggested on impulse.

*timeskip brought to you by JoeHills who wasn't even online*

Tango swung hard with his left arm. (Did he mention he was left-handed?) Suddenly, he felt a searing pain.

"Owww..." he moaned as quietly as he could. Which was loud. 

The usually quiet chat was buzzing with questions.

But the worst question to Tango?

"What happened to your wrist Tango?" by Anonymous 2.0.

"Welp... It was fun having y'all but um... I gotta go, hehe, bye!" Tango giggled nervously as he pressed the 'quit' button.

"tAnGo YoU nAuGhTy BoI, wHaT hApPeNeD???" Zedaph half-joked.

Impulse kicked Zedaph.

"Tango, really, what happened?" Impulse asked, concerned for Tangy.

He shook his head.

"Please Tango, we need to know what happened!" Zed pleaded.

"Fine... Story-telling time, I guess." Tango grumbled.

"Ooh! I love stories!" Impulse yelled, who instantly cowered under Zed's glare. "Uh... sorry?"

"Once upon a time, I was a demon from the Underworld. You other-worldly beings call it 'The Nether'. Right? Anyways, I was hunting for Obsidian Shards, these rare shards that you can make a living out of. Since I was orphaned with my sister, I decided to hunt for these Shards. Little did I know that it was illegal. And the fact that if you got scratched by an Obsidian Shard, you got poisoned forever and slowly dying. When the WISP - " Tango said, only to get interrupted.

"WISP?" Zed asked.

"The WIther Skeleton Police found me collecting these illegal beauties, in haste, I scratched myself on one. I fled to a nearby portal, which led me to Hermitcraft. B-but I can never forget what I-I did." Tango sobbed.

"What did you do?" Impy asked.

"The WISP took my sister's life."

Silence all round.

"Tango, you said that the Shard slowly kills someone who got scratched by it right?"


"We're taking you to Xisuma, you will not die on us."

Tango sobbed harder.


"I'm j-just g-g-glad I have a wonderful team."

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