Chapter 58 - Daisy

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Sirius and Daisy laid on the seats of the compartment, holding each other in their arms as they tried to peacefully sleep. "Why are they so tired?" Remus asked, walking into the compartment. Daisy groaned and snuggled closer to Sirius. His grip around her tightened.

"Apparently the hamster I gave them kept them up all night. I think Sirius ended up throwing him out a window or something," Peter casually replied. Sirius comfortingly rubbed Daisy's back, knowing it was a sensitive subject and clearly trying to tell Daisy that Peter was lying. It was like he was saying, "I wouldn't do that to you."

"And what is the unlucky hamster's name?" Remus queried as Daisy heard him sit down.


Remus chuckled, "Seems appropriate. She's not upset with Sirius?" Daisy could tell that Remus had pointed at her as he asked the question.

"I think he covered it up and told her he died of natural causes," Peter informed Remus.

Remus laughed and Daisy heard the wrapper of a chocolate bar. It was silent, the only sound come from the chessboard pieces. "We're almost at Hogwarts," he told Peter.

"I know."

"You should probably wake those two up."

"H*ll no!" Peter hissed. "I'm like a fish in a barrel to them! Someone mean needs to wake them up... Like you."

"I'm not mean," Remus muttered. Daisy heard a chess piece move. A moment later, Remus started cursing out Peter. "That was bad timing," Remus added at the end of his rant.

"Can't you wake them up just this once, Moons?" Peter pleaded. "I don't want a broken nose today!"

The compartment door opened again. "Am I mean?" Remus asked the newcomers.

"Absolutely," James replied without any hesitation. Daisy heard him slump into the seat beside Peter.

"Well," Lily awkwardly started, "I mean... Most of the time you are. But on occasion you can be very sweet."

"Ha!" Peter exclaimed. "Checkmate and you have to wake them up!" Remus cursed Peter under his breath again.

"Why are they so tired anyway?" James asked.

"James the hamster," Peter informed him.

"I got an animal named after me?" James exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, but you died," Peter casually responded, clearing the chess board.

"I... Died?" James repeated quietly.

It was silent for a while until Lily snorted and erupted into laughter. "You probably had to watch them shag!" she exclaimed.

James gasped. "Poor hamster me... I had a horrible life!" he exclaimed as Peter, Lily, and Remus all laughed.

"Boo!" Remus shouted in Sirius and Daisys' faces.

"Moony, stop it. Daisy is sad," Sirius grumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and running his hand up and down her back.

"We're at Hogwarts. She can see Lily, Remus, and Sirius," Remus reminded them.

Daisy burst into tears again at the thought of Lily. "Lily died!" she exclaimed, burying herself into Sirius's chest.

"Great going, mate," Sirius muttered, holding Daisy close as she cried.

"I died too?" Lily asked quietly.

"Look who's laughing now," James grumbled in response.

Daisy nodded as she sat up and saw Lily's eyes welling with tears. "I didn't want to bring two hamsters to Hogwarts so I sent her back in a box so the house-elves would take care of her, but they wrote back and told me-" she stopped as another sob escaped.

Sirius kept his arms around her as he finished the story, "She ran out of air in her box."

The compartment fell silent once more. "Merlin, Dais, did you not cut out holes for it?" James asked.

"Sod off!" Daisy yelled at him. Sirius continued to hold her close, not letting her go the rest of the night.


Daisy looked around in a panic. Everything was white around her. It wasn't a comfortable white. She was scared. Terrified. Occasionally a burst of color would appear revealing people or crayons, but she couldn't comprehend where she was or what was going on.

A cackle surrounded Daisy. She jumped slightly and looked around for the woman cackling. The whiteness faded away. She was in a house. Her house. She had a letter in her hand, but she couldn't comprehend any of the words. She couldn't comprehend anything. "Siri?" she called out.

"Where's your baby?" a woman asked, stepping forward as Daisy was now on the ground.

"Don't bring her into this!" Daisy shouted, glaring up at the woman in front of her. A pain shot through her, making her scream and squirm on the floor. A dog growled, Sirius. "Scutum! Guard Charley!"

The dog seemed conflicted as he ran back up the stairs. "She's upstairs?" the woman asked with a wicked laugh.

"DAISY!" she heard Peter shout.

Daisy was filled with rage. "Peter?" she asked, gaining the strength to look around for the one who had betrayed them all.

"DAIS!" James then yelled.

He was okay. He was safe. "Jay? Jay, where are you?" she yelled, she needed to see him. She needed to make sure he was okay.

"DAISY!" Remus shouted.

Even Remus was there and she was happy about it. She wanted to see him. She wanted to apologize for everything. "Rem! Where are you?"



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