Chapter 10 - Sirius

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Sirius looked up as Daisy walked into the Great Hall and sat down alone at the Hufflepuff table. He looked over at the Slytherin table where Regulus was sitting, watching her with a scowl. Something had happened when they met up.

"Something happened with Regulus," Sirius said to the boys around him. The boys all followed his gaze to where Daisy was sitting.

"Who are you guys looking at?" Lily asked as she walked over and sat beside Remus.

"Sirius's future wife," Peter said through a mouthful of pancakes. Sirius felt his cheeks heat up and quickly looked down at his pancakes to avoid the embarrassment of the others noticing.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Pete. It's impolite," Lily said.

Peter finished eating. "I had to say it before Sirius said something stupid."

"Who's your future wife?" Lily asked Sirius. He looked up at her.

"She isn't my future wife," he muttered.

"Daisy Williams," Remus said.

"The Hufflepuff prefect?" Lily questioned. Remus nodded. "I didn't know she was your type, Sirius," Lily admitted.

"She doesn't fancy me. She's seen how f*cked up I can be and she's met my family," Sirius stated.

"Oh wow! She's seen you save her life. Yeah, mate. There's no way she fancies you," James dryly said.

Sirius cracked a smile and stood up. "I need to go remind her to try out for quidditch," he announced.

Lily laughed. "Daisy Williams playing quidditch? Do you remember first year?" she asked.

"Sirius forced her-" James started to say.

"Correction, Fleamont forced her to play quidditch," Sirius interrupted. "And she's bloody wicked at it."

"Don't tell her to play! We won't win the cup if she plays!" James complained.

"She's brilliant at it! She needs to play!"

"I'll kick you off the team!"

"And lose by more? Go ahead, mate." James groaned at that as Sirius walked over to Daisy. James followed after him. "Hey, darling," Sirius immediately said as he sat beside her.

"Hello, Siri," she responded softly.

"Are you going to try out for keeper on Hufflepuff?" Sirius asked her.

"Probably not."

"Good! You're not very good," James said. Sirius whipped his head over to James in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm not trying out," Daisy told them. She pushed her plate away and stood up.

"Wha- Prongs is just being an a**hole. You're brilliant, darling!" Sirius exclaimed. He stood up and followed after her. "You blocked Monty and Mia's shots!" he added.

"I was already leaning towards not trying out," Daisy said. "James just pushed me over the fence. If anything, I should be thanking him."

"It'll be fun, Williams!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Being yelled at by people I hardly know? That's not really my thing."

"Merlin, Dais. If people were to yell at you, Sirius would hex the h*ll out of them!" James yelled.

Sirius looked back at James and smiled at him slightly to show that he was grateful that he was stepping up. He wrapped his arms around Daisy's shoulders. "See? There's nothing to worry about, darling," he told her.

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