Chapter 48 - Daisy

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"Daisy! Wake up," James whispered. Daisy groaned and looked up at James. "I need help." She sighed and slowly unwrapped Sirius's arms from around her.

"What's up, Jay?" she asked him.

"Brown or red scarf?" James asked.

Daisy looked over his outfit. His shirt was brown with a plaid pattern with a white shirt under it and washed jeans. "Red. The brown will clash with the brown," she told him. He nodded and put on the red scarf.

"Is it weird if I wear these socks?"

Daisy looked down at his blue socks with dinosaurs on them. "What? Are you expecting her in your bed tonight?" she questioned. James turned beet red and violently shook his head. Daisy wrapped her arms around him. "It's going to be great, James. Believe in yourself."

"What do I say to her?"

"Merlin, Jay. Have you honestly never been on a date?" she asked him in shock. He shook his head as she pulled away from their hug. "Be yourself, James. It's just Mary."

James nodded at her and took in one last breath. "Alright, I need to go. I'll see you later, Dais."

"Have fun, Jay. Believe in yourself," she reminded him as he left with a smile. She then walked back over to Sirius's bed. "Wake up, Siri," she whispered.

Sirius groaned at her. "Fine..." he mumbled grumpily.

"Having a hard morning?" Daisy teased. Sirius smirked at her before pulling her down and kissing her. She laughed at him and pulled back the curtains.


Sirius tightly held Daisy's hand in his as they walked around the streets of Hogsmeade. "How do you think James is?" Daisy softly asked. She leaned against him and looked up at him for his answer.

"He's probably fine," Sirius said. "Sure, he wants to be with Lily, but Mary is our friend and all so it's not like he's miserable." They walked into the Three Broomsticks and got a table.

"Hey, darling?" Sirius quietly said. Daisy looked up curiously. "Do you remember when you asked if I wanted kids?"

"Which time?" she asked him.

"Either time," he told her. Daisy leaned back in her chair and nodded at him, wondering where this was going. "Well, you know how you want six?"

Daisy laughed at him. "No," she joked.

Sirius laughed and slowly took her hand in his. He gently raised it to his mouth and pressed a kiss against the back of it. "I'll gladly raise six crazy kids if it means I get to be with you," he told her. Daisy smiled at him and pulled him into a kiss. "I love you, Williams."

"I love you too, Siri," she replied. They sat in comfortable silence for several minutes as they awaited their butterbeers. Occasionally tapping the other with their foot and smiling like a little kid.

Eventually, they got their drinks. "Merlin..." Sirius muttered, looking over Daisy's shoulder. "Speaking of James."

Daisy looked over her shoulder as James walked in with Mary. His arm was around her shoulder and the two looked very comfortable with each other. "Remmy isn't going to like that," Daisy mumbled.

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