Chapter 21 - Daisy

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Daisy had to stay in the hospital wing for three more days. Sirius stayed by her side any time that he could. However, Sirius and James got themselves detention after pranking Slughorn and therefore, Sirius could not sleep in the hospital wing with Daisy which they were both upset about. Other than that, Sirius was nearly always by her side. Peter came whenever he could too and not having a very busy schedule, he was able to come more often than James and the others. But Sirius didn't care about his schedule, not when it came to Daisy.

On the third day, Daisy was able to leave the hospital wing. Sirius was there when Madame Pomfrey cleared her. He immediately jumped up from his seat and pulled Daisy out of the hospital bed. Daisy couldn't even mumble, "Thank you," before she was halfway to Gryffindor Tower.

"Guess who's back and better than ever?" Sirius shouted as soon as they walked into the common room. Daisy laughed as she looked around for their friends. They were strung across several sofas. Remus and Lily were on one, studying with each other while Peter sat beside them, stuffing candy into his mouth while listening to James talk about quidditch.

As soon as Peter heard Sirius yell, he looked over, a grin spread across his face and a skittle fell out of his mouth. He ran over to her, nearly slipping and face planting over the skittle, but he made it to her and grinned. "DAISY!" he shouted.

Daisy laughed and covered her ear from his shout. "Pete!" she replied before pulling him into a hug. Peter awkwardly wrapped his arms around her and patted her back before pulling away and walking back to the sofa he was sitting at.

"Here," he mumbled, pulling out a bag full of water. Daisy walked over and saw a goldfish swimming around.


"You were in the f*cking hospital wing!" Peter defensively said. "Of course, I was going to smoke! It was a stressful time!" Daisy sighed and took the goldfish before sitting down on another sofa and looking at it.

James, who was laying across an armchair across from Daisy, sat up straight. "What if I shook the bag?" he asked her.

Daisy's eyes widened in horror as she looked up at James. "I would murder you," she replied simply.

"Why? What would happen?"

"I don't know and I would like to keep it that way," Daisy responded. She looked back down at the fish with a smile.

"Pads, go get the fishbowl out from under my bed," Peter ordered.

Sirius rolled his eyes as he walked toward the dormitory stairs. "Ask me to do it... It's not like I'm the one who just brought Daisy up here while all of you guys were sitting on your a**es. I'm the f*cking backbone of..." he trailed off as he walked up the stairs.

"Seriously though, what would happen if I shook the bag?" James asked again. Daisy heard Lily laugh and quickly cover it with a cough as she looked over at Remus's parchment.

"I do not know, James. But you're not going anywhere near Daisy Jr. to find out," Daisy told him.

"You named the fish after yourself?" Remus asked, setting his parchment on his lap. Daisy watched him as she nodded. "You're cursing yourself to a short life then. Goldfish don't live that long, do they?" Lily now watched the conversation, not paying attention to the studying she had been doing.

"I think they can live pretty long," Peter replied. "At least that's what the man who sold it to me said."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he had no reason to lie," Remus muttered, making Lily laugh. Daisy looked back at the goldfish as Sirius walked back down the stairs with a fishbowl full of water. He slowly walked over to them, careful to not spill the water.

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