Chapter 20 - Sirius

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Sirius and Daisy walked back into the common room hand in hand. Peter immediately smiled at them and waved. "I thought Daisy was supposed to be in the hospital wing for a few more days," Peter softly said.

"Yeah, she is. She just wants a change of clothes since she's been in these clothes since the game," Sirius explained. Daisy smiled and rested her head on Sirius's arm as she looked around. Sirius led Daisy up to his dorm. "How's your leg?" he asked her.

"It hurts like sh*t," she responded casually. Sirius quickly swept her up and carried her the remainder of the way. Daisy collapsed onto Sirius's bed and cuddled up with his pillow. Sirius grabbed a pair of sweatpants that she had kept in the dorm and one of his smaller t-shirts that he needed to get rid of.

"Here, darling," he told her. He tossed the clothes over to her as she tried to fall asleep. She groaned but grabbed the clothes and went to change in the bathroom.

Sirius casually waited for Daisy as he lay on his bed. However, he caught a whiff of a horrid smell. He tilted his head to his armpit and nearly gagged. He quickly stripped off his shirt and started looking for his favorite Queen shirt.

Eventually, Daisy came out of the bathroom. "What are you looking for?" she asked him.

"My Queen shirt," Sirius muttered grumpily.

Daisy set his jacket at the end of his bed and watched Sirius as he checked Remus's wardrobe. "What do I get if I find it for you?"

Sirius glanced back at her quickly as she continued to watch him. "What do you want?"

"I think that if I find it, then I don't have to go back to the hospital wing," Daisy casually said.

Sirius shrugged, positive that he would find it first. "Yeah, fine," he mumbled.

Not even a minute later, Daisy announced she had found it. Sirius groaned and looked back as she held up the exact Queen shirt he was looking for. He cursed under his breath as he walked over and grabbed the t-shirt.

Daisy grinned brightly and laid down on his bed with a sigh. "I'm going to bed," she told him.

"Darling, it's not even dinner yet," Sirius replied as he pulled on the shirt. Daisy groaned at him and tried to get under the covers but Sirius grabbed her and carried her down to the common room where she slept on his shoulder until dinner.

Sirius could tell that Daisy didn't feel like eating much and he told himself he'd let her think she won for a bit before making her eat. She held Sirius's hand in hers and rested her head on his shoulder, trying to go back to sleep. "So you're back together?" Remus asked as he ate. Sirius nodded as he ate a spoonful of soup. "That's good. I'm glad," he simply said before going back to silence.

"Hey!" Lily brightly said as she sat beside Remus and grinned up at him with a wide smile.

"Hey, Red," Remus replied with a soft smile as he looked over at Lily.

Lily turned and face Sirius and Daisy. "Isn't she supposed to be in the hospital wing?" she asked.

"Yeah... I lost a bet though," Sirius replied.

Lily gave him a motherly look as if to tell him that he was being an idiot. "Sirius..."

"If she's acting weird then I'll immediately take her back!" Sirius defensively said.

"She's sleeping on your shoulder during dinner."

Sirius shook his head and turned back to his plate as James slid into the seat beside him. "Hey, Pads!" James loudly said, making Daisy groan slightly. "I checked out Slughorn's classroom."

Sirius grinned and looked over at James. "So I can do the prank?"

"We — me and you — can do the prank."

"What about us?" Remus asked. Peter looks over at Remus like had grown a third eye.

"Oh... I didn't think you'd want to be a part of this one. If-"

"You'd be right. I'm not an idiot like you two."

Lily laughed softly. "You're equally as big of an idiot," she told Remus. Remus looked over at her with his jaw drop making everyone laugh and applaud Lily.

After dinner (which included James and Sirius shoving food down Daisy's throat), the six of them all went up to the common room where Lily broke off and went to hang out with Alice.

"No! We only said hi!" Peter exclaimed animatedly as he told the story of his and Remus's friend turning on them. Sirius and James watched, holding onto every word he said. Peter had always been the best storyteller, ever since their first year. "And then... What's-His-Face... He-"

"Dan. His name is Dan," Remus muttered as he read.


"Right, Dan glared at us!" Peter exclaimed, leaning back in his chair as he rolled his eyes and threw up his hands. Suddenly, Daisy sat up, her hair still tangled in Sirius's fingers as she bolted up to the boys' dorm. Sirius stared after her for a moment. "Go after her, Paddy!" Peter yelled.

Sirius immediately stood up and ran after her. He walked into the dorm to see no one in it. "Williams?" he quietly said. Then he heard it, the unmistakable sound of hurling. He shuddered slightly but walked over to the bathroom where Daisy was hunched over a toilet. "Sh*t. Are you pregnant?" he asked her in fear.

"We haven't even had sex, idiot," Daisy replied.

"Did you sleep with Grant?"

There was a pause as Daisy threw up. "No! Just shut up and help me, Siri." Sirius didn't have to be told twice. He tied up her hair immediately and rubbed her back softly.

"You should go back to the hospital wing," Sirius told her softly.

"No. I'm fine. I probably ate something bad. It'll be gone soon," Daisy quickly said, shaking him off and returning to the toilet.

It didn't go away soon. Sirius woke up in the middle of the night as he realized that Daisy wasn't beside him. He got up and walked over to the bathroom as he noticed the light on. He gently knocked. "Williams? Are you in there?" he asked her.

"Yeah," she weakly replied. He walked in to see her hunched over the toilet like he had seen earlier that day.

"You're going to the hospital wing," Sirius announced as he walked over to where she was and scooped her up. She didn't even protest. Daisy only cuddled up to his chest and clung to him.

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