Chapter 41 - Daisy

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Sirius apparated him and Daisy to Potter Manor for their weekly Saturday brunch since Effie had complained that they were becoming too lazy. They both held their unopened letters in hand as Fleamont ran over and grinned widely at them. "Hey, kiddos!" he shouted.

"Hey, Monty!" Daisy replied, wrapping her arms around him.

"Where's James? We planned to open our schedules together," Sirius asked.

Fleamont shrugged before shouting, "James!"

A few seconds passed before James walked over, holding a silver badge in his hand, not even bothering to greet Sirius and Daisy as he stared in horror at the badge. Daisy was about to ask if Remus was there so that she could congratulate him on the Head Boy badge, but Sirius spoke before her, "Merlin... Prongs! What the f*ck!" he exclaimed before rushing over and picking up the badge. He looked over at James like he was growing horns. "You're the Head Boy?"

"You're the what?" Fleamont asked as he spun around to face his son. Euphemia came running into the room with a wide smile.

"James, you're the head boy?" Euphemia asked excitedly. "I'm so proud!"

James did not seem to reciprocate that feeling as he looked around at everyone, tears seeming to be lining his eyes. "No. This has to be a mistake. I have had more detentions than the entirety of the prefects. I can't be the head boy. I'm not... I can't," he said. He looked at everyone with a panic in his eyes.

And suddenly Daisy understood. She stepped down from a prefect, and Minnie pushed James into it. "Minnie didn't make a mistake," Daisy spoke up softly.

"There's going to be an extra prefect now though!"

Daisy shook her head. "No there won't. I got kicked out, remember?" she reminded him. James groaned loudly.

"No! I can't be the head boy! Dad, help me!" James protested. He anxiously ran a hand through his hair.

Fleamont shrugged. "There's nothing I can do, son," he admitted softly. "At least you're not a prefect," he then added with a small laugh.

"Dad! You can't let me do this! You have to tell Minnie and Dumbledore that I'm under-qualified!"

"They obviously don't think so, James," Euphemia softly said.

"This is going to ruin my reputation! Everybody is going to think I'm a stuck up prefect now!" James yelled. Suddenly, the door opened and Lily burst in, crying.

"Oh no," Daisy mumbled as she rushed over and pulled Lily into a hug. "What is it, Lils?"

"We broke up!" Lily sobbed, burying her face in Daisy's shoulder.

"You and Mark Sauce?" Sirius questioned. Daisy sent him a look to tell him that he wasn't helping before returning to rubbing Lily's back.

"What happened?" Daisy asked her.

"He's totally in love with someone else."

"Merlin, Lils. I'm sorry," Daisy told her quietly, rubbing her back and holding her before she pulled away and looked around.

"Is Rem here?" Lily asked, gesturing to the head boy badge that Sirius was handing to James.

"No," Daisy quietly mumbled, hoping Lily would get the hint to stop.

"Then why is his badge here?" Lily obliviously asked.

"See?" James shouted at his parents before dropping the badge and storming up to his room.

"It's James's," Sirius told Lily softly.

"Oh sh*t. I'm sorry," Lily immediately apologized and pulled out her wand. "I'll head home and give you guys some space."

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