Chapter 43 - Sirius

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Lily was allowed to go back to her house the next week. However, she spent the entire week that she was with Sirius and Daisy, apologizing repeatedly to Sirius. She made him a card, made him brownies, gave him another card, followed him around, and wrote it on the Daily Prophet every morning. All she had to do was tell Sirius she was sorry and he would've forgiven her, but she was doing so much that Sirius didn't tell her.

Sirius enjoyed every moment of it. It made him feel much more important than he was as she was begging for forgiveness. Every night, Daisy would try to get him to stop his act, but Sirius was committed to his act. He wouldn't stop. When Daisy would tell Lily that he forgave her, Lily would shake her head and tell Daisy that he had a mouth and would say so himself.

So when the time came for Lily to leave, Sirius pulled her into a hug. "I really am sorry, Si," she told him.

Sirius chuckled softly. "And I forgave you the moment you gave me the first card," he finally admitted.

Lily gasped and pulled away, smacking his arm. "Why didn't you say so?" she shouted.

"Because then you did that entire dance routine and I wanted to see what else you'd do," he simply stated as Lily repeatedly hit him. "Ah! Williams! Help me!" Sirius yelled as he tried to block Lily while he laughed.

"I told you this would happen!" Daisy argued.

"You knew?" Lily yelled, turning to look at Daisy.

"I told you everyday, Lily! You didn't believe me!" Daisy quickly defended herself, putting her hands up in surrender.

Lily let out a sigh of defeat and pulled out her wand. "I should probably go," she told them.

"Would you like to take some pancakes?" Sirius asked.

"No. They're delicious though, Sirius. Thank you for making them," Lily told him.

"Alright then. Don't say I didn't offer them," he grumbled as Lily laughed. She waved goodbye one last time before apparating away. A smile crept its way across Sirius's face as he turned to Daisy.

"Oh no... What's that face for?" Daisy asked as Sirius stepped toward her and pressed his lips against hers. She laughed softly but wrapped her arms around his neck. "Has this been on your mind all week?" she queried as he started to move toward the bedroom. He nodded, making Daisy laugh again as she stepped into the bedroom and shut the door behind them.

"I love you, darling," he said as he laid her down on the bed.


"LOVEBIRDS! I HATE TO RUIN THIS FOR YOU, BUT MUM IS GETTING IMPATIENT AND IS GOING TO COME OVER SOON IF YOU DON'T GET TO BRUNCH!" James shouted. Sirius groaned loudly and collapsed beside Daisy. He looked over at her.

"We should go, Siri," she told him. "We can finish this later."

Sirius groaned again before shouting, "We'll be out in a minute, Prongs!" Sirius got up from the bed and offered a hand to Daisy before getting dressed. He and Daisy then walked out of their room with his arm around her waist. He gently kissed her cheek before they turned to James.

"Merlin!" James shouted, covering his eyes.

"That was a kiss on the cheek!" Sirius argued immediately.

"Maybe," James said with a shrug. "But it could've turned into what was going on in there."

"Don't be ridiculous, Jamie," Daisy said with a laugh. 

"Prongs, don't tell anyone what you just heard," Sirius instructed sternly.

James put his hands up. "Trust me, these lips are sealed. I don't want to have to relive those moments ever again," he honestly said.

Sirius studied him for a moment before breaking out into a smile, "Let's go see Effie!" he exclaimed brightly.

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