Chapter 11 - Daisy

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Daisy sat beside Peter at the Black Lake as he skipped rocks and she relaxed after everything that had happened. "What did James say to you?" Peter asked her, glancing back at her.

"He just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut," she responded simply. "I'm sure you've had experience with that."

Peter laughed and nodded. "He's a git."

Daisy laughed and pulled out a cigarette. She lit the end of it with her wand. "Want one?" she asked, holding out the box to him. He walked back to her and took a cigarette. Daisy lit his before blowing out. A cloud of smoke filled the air around her as Peter sat beside her. "How are you, Pete?"

"Me?" he asked. Daisy nodded. Peter squirmed uncomfortably. "Well enough to survive," he stated.

Daisy nodded. "Me too, Pete," she replied. "Life's f*cking crazy." Peter agreed to that and they fell silent.

After several minutes, Daisy pulled her cigarette away from her lips and blew out. She looked down at her cigarette for a moment before saying, "These things are sh*t for your lungs, y'know?"

"So we can get out of here sooner? Pass me another," Peter joked.

Daisy laughed softly and put out her cigarette before grabbing another. "I should probably stop before I get addicted," she added. "I don't want to be a mum that reeks of cigarettes. That's just... Gross."

"You want kids in this messed up world?" Peter asked her.

"Kids are the only hope for this messed up world," Daisy told him.

Peter stayed silent. "Got me there," he finally mumbled. "Kids scare me."

"How many have you seen?"

"Four years of little first years," Peter said.

Daisy laughed. "First years don't count! First years are like little devils. Kids are cooler than them." Peter laughed at her.

After a few more minutes, Daisy put out her cigarette and grabbed one last one. She took out her box again and handed it to Peter. "Here. Have it. If there's one good thing that comes out of this year it'll be that I stop smoking," she told him. "Your job is to keep me on track," she told him before explaining how she'd give him a certain amount of pumpkin pasties based on how many days she had been clean. Peter then told her that she shouldn't be surprised if he turned on her and got her to smoke so he could get pumpkin pasties.

"You just smoked three cigarettes," Peter told her. "I think you are addicted."

"I'm not," Daisy lied, smoke filling the air around her again.

"If you can stop or at least try, I will too," he said.

"You don't have to, Pete."

"I want to. You're going to keep me on track. If I smoke then I will get you some sort of pet each time getting slightly bigger," Peter explained.

"Get me a dog one day. I want to torture my brother," Daisy joked. Peter laughed at her and moved the cigarettes away from them.

"Who got you into smoking?" Peter asked Daisy suddenly.

"A lot of people," she replied honestly. "My dad, brothers, Reg..." she listed. Her heart dropped as she thought about Regulus. "What about you?"

"Sirius. I think he thought he was like years older than us if I'm being honest with you. He was always the first to do everything. He was the first to get a girlfriend, the first to kiss a girl, the first to shag a girl, the first to drink, and the first to smoke. It gets old after two years of him bragging about all the girls he's f*cked while you just have to wait for someone to come your way."

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