Pushed Together

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Chapter Seven: Chloe

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

-John Dewey


It doesn’t surprise me when I see a different teacher here. She’s writing her name on the board, ignoring all the paper balls being thrown at her by the rest of the students. It’s noisy in here, girls yelling at one another from opposites side of the classroom, guys laughing at some stupid joke. I have to push my way to my seat that’s in the back, behind Marcy and beside Jose.

The final bell rings, but everyone continues chatting. I lean forward in my seat, folding my arms on top of my desk, and place my head on it, closing my eyes. I’m tired even though not much has happened today. Just me taking notes in my other classes, yelling at Marcy for making out with Kevin in front of the whole cafeteria. The action so wasn’t like her, so it surprised me when I saw her do that. And with Kevin. He’s disgusting and I just know he’s going to hurt her.

Opening my eyes, I see the teacher turn around and fold her hands in front of her. She looks polite and patient, as if she’s waiting for everyone to settle down so that she can begin her lesson. However, nobody is paying her any mind, so she sighs and takes a seat, rubbing her hands over her face. I have a feeling that she’s going to quit even before class is over. She looks too nice and sweet to be able to deal with these kids in here.

Her long blonde hair is pulled up into a bun, and she’s wearing a pair of glasses, a sweater and a blue skirt that reaches the floor. In all honestly, she looks like an elementary school teacher. My attention shifts over to the board and I read her name: Mrs. Brooks. Yes, her name suits her appearance.

She clears her throat, quite loudly, probably in hopes the class with quiet down some. But nope. They just get louder.

“Good luck,” I say, sitting up and propping my elbows on the table. “Unless you come off more sterner and less, whatever the way you’re acting is, they’re not going to stop.” Some kid snorts beside me. “Or, not even then will they stop.”

Mrs. Brooks gives me a look, trying to figure out if I’m telling the truth or not. But then she turns around and writes on the board: Discipline. I quirk an eyebrow, wondering why she wrote that on the board, but I seen get my answer when she says, quite loudly, “Everybody, shut up.” She says this with authority and without patience, and it gets everyone to stop talking.

Several people whisper to each other, pointing and staring at Mrs. Brooks, who now has her arms folded over her shoulders, tapping her foot on the ground repeatedly. Jose leans toward me and whispers something in my ear, but I’m not exactly sure what because I’m not paying him any attention. My attention is focused on this new teacher, and I’m constantly blinking. Okay, her appearance and name does not suit her attitude. Though, in all honestly, I’m already impressed by this teacher. Why? Because unlike all the others, she tries. Others just teach, as if everyone wasn’t sleeping or talking or throwing things, and then give up. But her? I can already tell she isn’t going to be like the rest.

I like her already.

“I’m Mrs. Brooks, and I’m your new government teacher.” Snickers erupt from the class. From the corner of my eye, I see Darrell Smith, this kid who gets into a lot of fights and flirts with any female teacher to get out of trouble, smirking. He leans back in his seat, propping his feet on the table, folding his arms under his head. Mrs. Brooks notices this and stares at him. “Feet off the desk, young man.”

His smirk grows, if it’s even possible. “Why should I? I’ll do what I want, when I want.”

“Not when I’m here. Feet off the desk, now.” The coldness and harshness of her voice makes me flinch. Darrell, surprisingly, hesitates for a moment, starting to remove his feet from the desk, but decides against it and keeps it there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2013 ⏰

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