Turn 44: The Future

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Ibuki: "After the writing and physical test, we have 25 participants who made it into the interview. Now, we have one man who we will send to Planet Cray."

Chrono: Come on.... show me the future that I truly desire!

Ibuki: "The astronaut that we will send is....."

Everyone couldn't help but to be nervous.... Even the cats couldn't take their eyes off the TV....

Ibuki: "Chrono Shindou!"

Chrono: (Shocked) "Eh?!"

Shion: "Chrono, you did it!"

Kazuma: "Man, you're something else I tell you!" (Put his arm around his shoulder)

Taiyou: "Chrono has finally reached his dream."

Kamui: "Well done, man! I'm so proud of you!" (Fist bump with him)

Am and Luna: "Congratulations, Chrono!"

Saya: "Congratulations, big brother Chrono!"

Chrono: "Thank you, you guys! Hm, Tokoha?" (Looked at her)

Tokoha: (Tears falling) "Chrono..."

Chrono: "Y-Yeah?"

Tokoha: (Hugged him) "I'm.... so proud of you! You're the best!"

Chrono: (Returned the hug) "Thank you, my beautiful flower!"

Tokoha: "The future.... is looking bright..."

Shin: "Congrats, Chrono!"

Chrono: "Thank you, Shin!"

Ibuki: "So let's hear from Alexander Evans. The man who interviewed the 25 participants."

Mr. Evans: "Good afternoon, everyone!"

Ibuki: (Speaking English) "So Mr. Evans, out of 25 participants you interviewed. Why did you chose Chrono Shindou?"

Mr. Evans: "His answers really impressed me. I think the man is something special and I'm sure that my choice is not wrong. I hope to see him succeed being a great astronaut."

Translator: (Translating what Mr. Evans just said)

Ibuki: (Speaking English) "Thank you, Mr. Evans! I'm sure that your choice is the right one."

Mr. Evans: "No problem and thank you for inviting me."

Chrono: "Mr. Evans...." Thank you...

Tokoha: "Shall we celebrate?"

Shion: "Sure!"

Chrono: "Why not?"

Shin: (Scared) "Eh.... you guys...."

Shion: "Don't worry, Shin! We'll celebrate it in my house."

Shin: (Relieved) "Thank goodness for that..."

Kazuma: "So, shall we buy some stuffs?"

Taiyou: "I think we should."

Am: "Then, what are we waiting for?"

Luna: "Let's go!"

Saya: "Party time-myu!"

Chrono: "Kamui, you're coming?"

Kamui: "I'd love to, but...."

Shin: (Staring at him)

Kamui: "Ack... maybe after I finished my work. Will you guys still available at that time?"

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