Turn 22: Exciting Match

343 4 0

At Card Capital 2

Chrono: "Let's go, Tokoha!"

Kumi: "Go, Tokoha!"

Aichi: "A lot of Tokoha supporters it seems...."

Shion: (Chuckled) "Yeah...."

Am: "Aichi, who are you rooting for?"

Aichi: "Me? I'm just going to enjoy the match..." (Smiling)

Am: "I see... okay, then."

After a while....

MC: The damage is now 3 to 5. Anjou is in the lead but it's the reigning champion's turn... will he make a comeback?"

Kai: "Not bad, Anjou. But.... FINAL TURN!"

Tokoha: (Shocked) "Huh...?"

MC: There it is! Kai has declared his final turn! Looks like he is about to end this match right now!"

At Card Capital 2

Chrono: "Hang in there, Tokoha!"

Aichi: "Whenever Kai declared his final turn, usually he will win the match..."

Everyone: "Eh?" (Worried)

Shion: "Yeah, that's the most terrifying thing when you're facing Kai."

Kumi: Tokoha...

At the Stage

Kai: "Stride the Generation! Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord "The Purge"!

Tokoha: "I must defend this....!"

Kai: "Stride Skill! I retire Katrina and add Dragonic Overlord "The Destiny" into my hand! Also, "The Purge" skill, I deal one damage to your Vanguard!"

MC: "With "The Purge" skill, he has deal one damage to Anjou's Vanguard! The damage is now 4 to 5!"

Kai: "Call! Bahr attacks your Vanguard!"

Tokoha: "Guard!" I can't defend his Vanguard attacks, and not only that "The Purge" has...

Kai: "Overlord "The Purge" Generation Break 3! This unit gets the same number of drive checks as the number of cards in my opponent's damage zone."

Tokoha: Luckily, I only have four damage so he's not getting that quintet drive...

Kai: "Ovelord "The Purge" attacks!"

Tokoha: He still has his Nehalem who hasn't attack yet... I only have four cards in my hand.... in that case "No guard!"

At Card Capital 2

Kazuma: "Eh? Seriously? If he gets a critical then..."

Shion: "No, that's the right move."

Kazuma: "Huh?"

Aichi: "She only has four cards in her hand, and there is Nehalem who hasn't attack yet."

Chrono: "Tokoha can only hope that Kai doesn't get a critical in his four drive checks."

Am: "But, that's quite...."

Taiyou: "Let's see then...."

Kai: "Quadruple drive! Heal Trigger, recover one damage and the power goes to Nehalem! Second Check! Third Check!"

Kumi: "Please.... No critical" (Praying)

Chrono: (Looking at the TV and sweating a lot)

At the Stage

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