Turn 38: Writing Test

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One week later.... it's writing test time! Chrono and the others went to the Association....

Chrono: (Nervous) "Uh....."

Tokoha: "Hm? What's wrong?"

Chrono: "Tokoha, do you really think I can do this?"

Tokoha: "Huh? Why did you ask?"

Chrono: "It's just.... I...."

Tokoha: (Smiling and holded his hand) "Hey, believe in yourself.... I believe in you. I'll always be by your side no matter what."

Chrono: "Tokoha...."

Tokoha: "You've improved a lot you know? I'm sure you'll get through this..."

Chrono: "Yeah.... I'll pass this test and move on the the next one!"

Tokoha: "That's the spirit!"

Aichi: "Writing test will start now! Participants, please enter your room now!"

Tokoha: "Now, go in! I'll wait for you!"

Chrono: "Okay! I'll go now!"

Then Chrono entered the test room and sat on his chair....

Aichi: "Welcome to Vanguard Association Astronaut Writing Test! There will be 50 questions in this test that consisted of math, physics, and Vanguard. Your time is two hours starting from..... now!"

Everyone started the test.... One and a half hours later. Chrono is struggling to answer some of the question...

Chrono: (Scratching his head) Argh.... I don't know how to answer some of these.... just 30 minutes left.... and I only answer 60% of this questions.... What should I do?


Tokoha: "I believe in you! Believe in yourself!"

End of the Flashback

Chrono: Believe in myself huh? Eh?! I remember now! Kazuma told me the easiest way.... Here it goes! (Started answering the rest of the question)

Meanwhile, Kumi saw Tokoha waiting outside the room...

Kumi: "Tokoha!" (Waving)

Tokoha: "Ssstt! Keep it down, Kumi!" (Whispering)

Kumi: "Oh, sorry!" (Putting both of her hand on her mouth)

Tokoha: "Ahehehe.... you're finally here, Kumi."

Kumi: "Yes, so how long is the test?"

Tokoha: "Two hours, and one and a half hour has passed, so thirty minutes left."

Kumi: "I see.... I wonder if he can do it..."

Tokoha: "Of course he can! It's Chrono after all...."

Kumi: (Smiling) "You seem so confident, Tokoha."

Tokoha: "To be honest, I'm worried as well but I decided to hide it. I have to feel optimistic for him so he could believe in himself."

Kumi: "I see.... that's a right move, Tokoha."

Tokoha: "Yeah, let's just hope he passed this test and move on to the next test!"

Kumi: "Yep!"

Two hours has passed and the the writing test is over!

Aichi: "Time is up! Pens down everyone!"

The test security started to collect all of the participants paper....

Aichi: "Okay everyone, good job! The results will be out next week! The 50 participants who have the best score will move on to the next test! Goodbye, everyone!"

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