He leaned down to her, pressing a kiss on her cheek. She couldn't help but to feel awkward knowing Steve was there, his eyes were fully locked on her. Gawking at the the dress she had on, giving her body little to no coverage.

A few drinks and laughs later, everyone hit the dance floor feeling comfortable enough to dance the night away with the alcohol in there system. Henry, Bryanna, and Marianne, Henry's mother sat and talked about some wedding planning and even random things Marianne would bring up like the new fridge Henry had bought her or even about a new sweater she had knitted, she was truly adorable.

All of it felt overwhelming to Bryanna, sitting down and looking at her ring she couldn't help but to think how different her life was now. Never in a million years would she have thought she'd be where she is at now. Being a small town girl, barely making ends meet to one of the most famous professional dancer in the world.

Needing to take a breath, she excused herself from the two. Kissing Henry before leaving, she grabbed a champagne glass as she made her way out to the front.

Walking towards the white Aston Martin, she made her way to the drivers seat, leaning on the side of the window. Enjoying the night in New York.

"The sky sure looks pretty." A voice said,
she froze at the sound of the Brooklyn accent. Knowing exactly who it was.

"Yeah." She said as her eyes stayed glued to the sky. Steve walked towards her, leaning against the car as well. "How have you been?"

"Good." She snickered. "You?"

"Great." He responded as his hands made his way into his pockets. "What's got you out here? You should be in there celebrating." He said.

"Just needed some peace and quiet, I don't really get it that much anymore."

He hummed nodding his head, understanding exactly what she meant. They both stood in silence as the two admired the sky, beaming stars glowing all around. "You look a bit stress." He muttered. "Does it have to do anything with the engagement?"

"Steve, why do you care?" She said turning her head to face him, her right brow raising up. "I'm sorry, I was just asking." He whispered.

"No, it's not about the engagement. I just, I don't know." She shook her head. "My life has changed so much and I guess it all just hit me tonight."

"It's understandable, but you should be proud of yourself though." He smiled. "I know I am." She quickly turned her face back to him, giving him a slight smile before her eyes went back to see the stars.

"So, marriage huh?" Steve started. She tried her best not to laugh, seeing how awkward he was. Never in her life as she seen him like this. "You finally found the one you want to be with for the rest of your life?"

Bryanna let out a sigh, knowing the person she wanted to be with was him. His choice of words took a toll on her, knowing either it's going to work out with Henry or be a huge fall out.

"Yup, and you?" She asked as she took a sip of her champagne.

Steve smiled and shook his head, letting out a sigh. "Nah." He spat out. "Still single."

"So single to the point where I got a dog for comfort." Bryanna giggled as she had a suprised look on her face. "His name is Dodger."

"Well that's cute, i'm sure he's a spoiled little dog." She said bumping into his shoulder. "Of course he is." Steve said smiling.

Silence arouse upon the two, Bryanna taking in the final sips of her champagne.

"Bryanna, I know it's too late to say this." Steve said, making Bryanna's eyes wander back to him. "Don't." She stopped him.

"Please can we just talk?" He frowned.

Hear head jolted back, thinking to herself the audacity Steve had. "What is there to talk about?"


Bryanna let out a sarcastic laugh, as her body pushed itself off the car. "There is no us Steve, there hasn't been an us in the past two years." She said as her hands made contact with her hips. "You made sure that there wasn't an us anymore, remember?" She said referring to the night of the breakup.

"I fucked up Bryanna." He shook his head. "Badly, i've been miserable without you, please can we just-"

"No." She scram, snapping at him. "You broke my heart Steve, you left when I needed you the most because you were fucking afraid. And now you want to come back after what? After you find out that i'm engaged?" She scoffed.

"I was broken for months because of you, I lost the person I adored the most in this world and you weren't even there to help me through the loss." She said. "I knew what the hell I signed up for, I was still going to risk my life because I wanted to be with you, and you were too blind to see it."

Her eyes became clouded with tears, bringing back all the awful memories from the breakup, to her grandmothers death. She shook her head as a blink of her eyes brought tears streaming down her face. "You can't just come back into my life when you want Steve." She sniffled.

"I'm better off without you, i've never been better." She said, knowing it was all a lie. Of course Henry fit her expectations perfectly, but it just wasn't Steve. She knew the spark she had with him could never be replaced with someone else.

He took a deep breath, his fingers brushing through his beard as his body leaned off the car. "I'm so sorry Bryanna."

"You should be." She breezed.

Fixing her dress, and getting the empty champagne glass that was on top of the car she took a step back, drinking him in one more time before leaving him in the cold air.

As he watched her walk away.

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