Chapter 31 A Painful Confession

Start from the beginning

Lily: So how did he ruin your life? Please explain with other incidents

Lynn Jr: not only did he take the attention away from me but he was ridiculously weak everyone could beat him up even his younger sisters so when he started becoming a target for bullying I decided to take action and toughen him up so that he can stand up to those people and not be a school punching bag but he didn't take my training well and got hurt a lot to the point I stopped helping him and decided to make him tougher by beating him up until he finally fought back and when I look back now that didn't do shi...uh much to improve our relationship on top of that I still can't believe I used him like a football and scored a goal with him when me and the other sisters except Lily were pranking him for ignoring us

Lynn didn't like swearing in front of her son, the other kids she could care less what they hear but certainly not her one and only child Dave

Dave: So what happened between you two during the bad luck incident how did it get to that point?

Lynn hated telling the story but they know the summary of the story so you can't hide it from them

Lynn Jr: Well that day it was the big game in the year 1967 I was playing for a local baseball team called the squirrels and we were in the group stages of the big elementary school national championship it was our first group game of 3 after taking months of qualifying and winning the state championship of course so our first game was at home and I wanted everyone to be there to watch especially Lincoln but he wanted to blow me off for some comic book and ... I decided to threaten him with a bat to make him come with me (She hesitated in saying the last part)

Everyone in the room: You what?!
Dave: Where you gonna beat him that thing?
Lynn Jr: No son I wasn't it was just a scare tactic to make him go
Lily: With you Lynn anything is possible I'm pretty sure Lincoln would be eating out of a straw or in a wheelchair for the rest of his life right now if he didn't fear you and agreed ( She looks at her with a suspicious look)
Lynn Jr: No honest to god I wouldn't have hit him
Dave: What else happened?
Lynn Jr: (Sighs) At the game it was not going to plan And we ended up losing it after the game Lincoln came up to me and tried to offer his condolences for my loss and I just went nuts and accused him to his face that he's bad luck since I never lost a game in the national qualifiers or the state championship when he was absent but the one time he showed up we lost so I banned him from all future games
Ashley: That's a bit cruel
Lynn Jr: I spread my claim to the rest of the family but they didn't believe it much until Lincoln started spreading it himself to get some free time and it didn't take long for lack of a better word shit to go down as you know we started leaving him out of things, we
locked him out of the house and he spent the night outside and I made him look like he was lying when he confessed to faking his luck by stating that after I banned him from my games I started to win again and in reality it was just a coincidence
Jackson: How did end up wearing the squirrel suit?
Lynn Jr: Lincoln was desperate for us to take him back that he snuck into my last 32 knockout stages game and pretended to be our mascot after I won is when he revealed himself and we then apologized but we for safety reasons kept him in the suit as we thought his suit was good luck

Jackson and Diana glared at their so called aunt and they looked ready to tear her apart but Ashley and Rocky held them back and calmed them down

Lynn Jr: Long story short we put Lincoln through hell for two long months until he finally snapped and told us all off before beating us up and throwing me out through her a window I still have a few scars of that incident

( She pulls up her shirt and shows them the large scar on her right side of her body)

Some of the kids even Lori and Luna and Christina winced at the sight of the scar

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