Ch. 17: The masks I wear

Start from the beginning

I climb up to the balcony and head over to the side of the tower where yellow leaders room is.

I climb up the wall until I reach a familiar window with a yellow glow inside.

I pull myself up on the window sill and look inside.

Bingo. The yellow leader-uh... The impersonator.

He's awake.

Alright, let's see if he leaves the room anytime soon.

I hang myself on the windowsill so if he does look out the window he won't see me.

Although it's rather slippery with the rain and the weight of my clothes... I can manage to not plummet down to my death.

I spare a look into the window every two minutes or so.

After 15 minutes he grabs a book and quill and leaves the room.

I knew it. Time to see where he goes.

He leaves through the door.

I quietly climb through the window and take out an invisibility potion.

I drink it and taste that strange apple-like taste.

It tastes like an sweet apple but with a  bitter aftertaste.

6/10 taste like apple. A tiny bit bitter. Makes me invisible. Good potion :)

Now invisible, I walk over to the door and find the yellow leader walking down the hallway.

I follow him, quietly closing the door behind me. Making sure I always stay 8 blocks behind yellow.

He stops at the entrance hall of the citadel
And turns to the left when he steps down the last step of the stairs.

I silently walk after him and watch as he presses one of the stone bricks in the wall.

The Wall opens up.

Woah, a hidden door...

He walks in and I hurry to get in after him.

The door closes narrowly behind me.

The entrance leads down to a long staircase.

We walk down those stairs for a good 5 minutes until we reach the end.

There resides a portal frame made from cobblestone.

The imposter ignites it and then steps in.

I make sure I have everything I need and then head into the portal as well.

~~~~Puple Swirrles ~~~

As soon as my vision recovers I spot the impersonator 5 blocks ahead of me.

We're in the nether.

My before really wet clothes are now completely dry.

They already dried the moment I stepped through that portal.

The disguised steve summon lightning on themselves and the disguise falls.

Where once stood a steve that looked like a friend of mine... Now stood a... Red steve? No... He only slightly resembles a red steve.

He looks more like a mix between a red steve and a demon steve. Huh.

So... He's not faceless.

It looks like a red steve with those fire- and magma-like markings and cracks that the demon steve's had... There's some darker spots on the steve... Almost like the darkness... Just not as dark
...Kinda just dark red something used to be there.

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