Chapter 20: Ruffling Feathers

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(Featuring Nightcore "Teeth" by 5SOS, here's the 20th chapter!! Thanks ya'll for staying this far on my story!!

Future edit:

So it's been LONG before I got to publish this chapter, and I'm happy to say I'm alive!! Despite school work and all. So this is it for the 20th chapter, I hope you enjoy.)

Akali's POV

"You have millions of yen yet you never buy your host a house?"

"Oh shut your mouth. Where do you think a normal genin can get that much money? They'll get suspicious. "

I sweatdropped. Luck and the shark are at it again. Sometimes I wonder how I even stay sane with all this pressure around me.

"Sorry Akali. I can't exactly do anything about them."

Junko apologized and sighed heavily. We're still waiting for Shun to arrive and he's sure taking his sweet time.

"I'm here. Sorry I'm late."

Speak of the devil. He scratched the back of his neck and sat down beside us, now forming a triangle, each God behind their chosen players.

I took a deep breath and stared at the two with utmost seriousness.

"To start this meeting, I'll be asking for Shun and his God to make alliance with me and Junko. All to prevent sudden acts of hostility and traitorship. To solidify my statement,"

I trailed and activated the Scales of justice, the said skill flaring red behind me.

"-Any act that suggests of traitorship will gain you the sign of guilt, therefore making it possible for me to eliminate you. So, do you agree?"

Junko sweatdropped, Shun chuckled nervously and the gods looked at me incredulously.

"Is this necessary?"

Pollux whined, poking me on the shoulder every now and then.

"Yes now shut up."

Pollux visibly deflated and sulked on the corner. Luck had a surprised look on her face as she applauded.

"I accept. Not that I have other plans."

[Form an alliance with《Death's Nemesis》??]

I pressed yes, and of course Shun doing the same.

[Alliance gift
Choose an item.

Poison Spider's Silk
Katana of Kenshin Himura
Crimson Heart Agate

I will ABSOLUTELY NOT give him the takoyaki, so we're down to the three above. Although I don't think a sword suits him because he's a ranged marksman. Too bad huh.

And what could he possibly do with spider silk? Unless he knows how to weave like a spider, then only he can use that item.

All that is left is the agate. What does that do anyway?

[Unlocks a certain ability.]

"Oh ho? Let's try this then."

[Gift Crimson Heart Agate to Death's Nemesis??]


☾︎Limit of the Skies☽︎ 《A Naruto Gamer Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now