Chapter 15: Voracity

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(I hope you're not bored because the next song is "Voracity" by Myth & Roid!! I chose this song because it actually depicts what despair will happen to Akali. Again, credits to all the owners and without further chip chap here's the 15th chapter~

Oh and here's a Suzaku. Enjoy~)

(Photo not mine)

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(Photo not mine)

Akali's POV

" head hurts...."

With my body feeling like every single fibre of it was screaming at me to stop moving, my eyelids struggling to stay opened and my head feeling like it was being pounded by a sledgehammer, I stood from my bed, a little too quickly that it made me loose balance and fall to the floor with a loud ass thud.

Even my sense of gravity was feeling funny.

I groaned and yet again, tried to stand up. Failing miserably because my consciousness felt like slipping away.

[This is your very first fever in this world. Congratulations....I guess?]

I groaned angrily and punched the tab away, falling to the floor as I exerted too much force into that punch. I fell on my left shoulder and I'm pretty f*cking sure that that'll leave a big a*s bruise.

I groaned again.

Why do I have to have a fever in a middle of a mission?

I sighed and untied the hitai-ate from ny eyes a little too harshly, not opening my eyes as I staggered to the nearest bathroom and washed my face, gargle, and fixed my bed hair. That gesture made the pain in my head subside as I was finally awake, taking spare clothes from my inventory, taking the quickest bath I've ever had and plopping down the bed once more. I still feel fuzzy so I assumed that my fever was still high, but that didn't stop me from wanting to walk out that door so I did what my instincts told me, stood up and walked to the door when it suddenly opened.

"Akali-chan don't move!! You're still sick!"

Juichiro quickly rushed to my side, forcing me to lay down and pulling the covers up to my chin. I groaned again. I am too tired to deal with this sh*t right now.

"How is she Juichiro?"

It's now Jhin who approached his side, me seeing Suzaku leaning on the door as Yi was also here for.....reasons I don't want to think about. My head is mushy and I can't come up with anything other than the desire for sleep.

"Her temperature is 40°. I don't even know how she got up and took a bath. Akali-chan.....I'll have to remove your hitai-ate. It's also heating up from your head."

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