Chapter two - Otter Crush

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"What is 'flirting'?" I asked. "Oh, Todoroki you poor soul" Mina said making her hand into a fist and held it close to her chest while shaking her head no. She brought out her phone and typed in something. She then showed me what she put in.

Flirting definition- behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intention.

"Could you give me an example?" I asked, still not understanding. She sighed and looked over to Kirishima. "Kirishima there isn't a word in the dictionary that can explain your type of beauty," Mina said, pointing finger guns at Kirishima. Kirishima laughed it off. "Oh I think I understand," I said, gripping my chin. I looked over to Midoriya. I grabbed his chin to make him look at me. His eyes a beautiful green with gold flakes in them. "Midoriya" I whispered. "Hmm!" he squeaked, his face covered in a salmon color. "Do you think you can teach me to shine as you do?" I asked. I was legitimately asking because I was so curious. "Hhhhnnnggh Todoroki-Kun!" Midoriya said, flustered and tears in his eyes. "Why are you crying?" I said, people looked at me shocked as there was a little worry in my voice. "That was so sweet Todoroki-Kun!" Midoriya said, grasping my wrist. "Are we going to continue the game or..?" Uraraka asked. Midoriya and I quickly let go of each other even though I didn't want to. Midoriya's hands were small and soft but they also had a roughness to them, I wished I could hold his hand all the time. What am I thinking!? I've never thought of these thoughts for anyone. "Guys, how about we watch a movie instead," Momo said and everyone agreed. "Let's watch a horror movie," Jiro said, calmly. Everyone agreed except for me and Midoriya. It's not that I'm scared of horror movies, it's just I never watched one so I didn't have an opinion. Momo put the movie on and we all watched it. I sat next to Midoriya and Momo sat next to me. A jump scare was coming and I knew it and as soon as it came I felt small arms around my left arm. I looked down to see Midoriya holding my arm and burying his head into my shoulder. I decided to make what I was thinking earlier come true and grabbed his hand. He was surprised by this and looked up at me. I felt that heated feeling again but I stared at the TV instead of Midoriya. I could feel a small smile on him as he held my hand back. I felt him snuggle up into my left arm. "The otters are aboard Tododeku" I heard Jiro whisper to the other girls besides Momo. What do they mean? And what is 'Tododeku'? Is it food? I felt Midoriya play with my hand like a child. He mostly kept playing with my knuckles. I felt as his small finger rubbed my knuckles and go onto the next one. It felt nice. But why didn't I like Momo touching me? Was it because of what Endeavor said? Maybe. I was so distracted by Midoriya I didn't even realize that the movie was over and that everyone was staring at us. "Aw~" I heard Mina coo. Momo looked a little angry and a little sad. What's up with her? Midoriya and I immediately let go of each other. "What should we do next?" Shoji asked. "How about seven minutes in heaven?" Momo asked and all the girls and Denki agreed. Momo instantly sat next to me but Midoriya sat next to Mina. "I'll pull two names out of the hat, and those two go into Momo's closet and do whatever for seven minutes" Mina explained. "The first two going are-" Mina dug her hand through the hat and pulled out two paper slips. "Todoroki and Midoriya," Mina said. I could've sworn I heard a 'what luck' from Mina. I and Midoriya made our way to Momo's closet. Once we were inside I didn't know what to say but Midoriya made the first move. "What do you want to talk about Todoroki-Kun," he asked. "I don't know" I shrugged. Midoriya held out his arms like a child and made fist movements. 🖐✊🖐✊. I didn't know what he wanted but for some reason, my arms opened wide, wide enough for a short, adorable Midoriya. Midoriya walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I intentionally did the same. I felt Midoriya bury his head into my chest. For some reason, I felt safe. Maybe it was the hug. No... It was Midoriya. Midoriya is making me feel safe. Somehow we made our way onto the floor and Midoriya still hugged me. I've never been this close to Midoriya before. He smelled like berries. I was again distracted by Midoriya that I didn't realize that they opened the door. "Hey, seven minutes is up, or do you need more time" Uraraka teased. We let go of each other. Instead of my body, it was just my face heating up and Midoriya was again a salmon color. We left the closet and joined everyone. The game went on and on, it was then that everyone realized that Kirishima and Bakugou were dating, they're practically perfect for each other and it also makes sense. Then. "The next two going are..". "Momo and Todoroki," Mina said, holding the two names. Oh great. We went into the closet. After the door closed Momo spoke. "Todoroki I have something to tell you," she said. I looked at her, prepared for what she has to say. "I've had a crush on you for a while and, I was wondering.." she trailed off. What is a 'crush'? Does she mean the soda? "I'm sorry Momo but what is a 'crush'?" I asked. "Oh! It's when you like someone like more than a friend" I was still confused. "Like when you want to date someone" she finished. These words surprised me. She wants to date!? But I don't like her like that. Then it hit me. Mina was right, she was going to push me into the right path... I have a crush on Midoriya. It all makes sense. "So..what do you say," she asked but the look on her face made it seem like she knew what my answer was. But she didn't. "I'm sorry Momo but I don't like you like that" I began. Her happy smiled turned into a surprise. "I like someone else" I trailed off. She didn't seem to like those words because she said-

A Figurative Angel (Tododeku)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant